Kanzi died at the age of 44. The iconic Bonobo reinforced our understanding of the intelligence of the monkey, which represents a long challenge about what is separated by humans from our closest living relatives.
Kanzi DVD, Iowa, died on March 18 at the age of 44, According to to Cognition and preservation initiativeA research group devoted to the study and memorization of Bonobos. His treatment is still awaiting the results of the autopsy, but it seemed good on the day he died, chasing a colleague of Bonobo through the box, fodder for food, and participating in some grooming. However, the elderly Kanzi treats heart disease. The average life expectancy of Bonopos is about 40 years old, so his death is not unusual or completely unexpected.
“Kanzi means a lot for many people. Our team is completely destructive due to the death of Kanzi,” the monkey initiative said in its statement. “Kanzi was preferred among his family members, Bonobo, was a friend of everyone.”
Kanzi is really a legend between the great monkeys – a group that includes chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, flanges, and humans (yes, you are a wonderful monkey). His tendency to language and making tools, along with his clear enthusiasm for life, establishes him as one of the most important non -human minds that we studied at all – and had a profound impact on my intellectual path.
Born in captivity in 1980, Kanzi It was initially raised at Yerkes Field station in Georgia, which is part of what is now known as the National Emory Perimate Research Center. Kanzi, at the age of five, was transferred, along with his sister Banbanisha, to the Georgia State Language Center. From there, the husband at The Great Ape Trust ended in De Mine, Iowa – an facility that will be later In the controversy; The center was closed after the death of Banbanisha in 2012 in the middle Animal abuse allegations and internal imbalance. The site got The second life in 2013 When the APE initiative intervened to take over operations.
Coco Gorilla and Washoe chimpanzee Communication was made through the sign language, but Kanzi took communication to a new level, indicating a deep ability to communicate through symbols and understand the English language.
One of the main supporters of Kanzi, a first scientist, Sue Savage-Rumbau, directed him by developing a keyboard with engineering symbols known as Lexigrams. Working in Great Ape TRUST, Savage-Rumbau claimed that Kanzi has finally learned the meaning of it 3000 words spoken.
In the nineties, archaeologists Nicholas Tit and Cathy Cathy from Indiana University worked closely with Kanzi, Teaching him how to make stone tools and use them Using borrowed techniques from the first people. Over time, Kanzi not only copied their methods – he began to develop his own way of stones A rare vision In cognitive and motor skills needed to make tools before history.
While he was in The Great Ape Trust, Kanzi and his colleagues enjoy the monkey with a facility with drinking fountains, the hydraulic doors that they could run (humans had to enter, although the monkeys work as a gatekeeper to their own facility), a kitchen stored for an exchange and microwave oven, and even a complete repeated room with a TV and VCR. It was known that Kanzi enjoyed the film Clint Eastwood Each method but loose (It includes Manis Orangean), along with Searching for fire and Greystock: The Legend of Tarzan, and luscious.
The famous, Kanzi was also a player. I learned for the first time from Canzi in 2006 when I monitored a BootleGged NHK YouTube Bunobo plays Pak Man with both efficiency and joy. I Compatible With Savage-Rumbau about the video, she told me: “This film is very convincing and there is a lot of it (more than 300 hours) in many different natural conditions, so that any idea that these clips represent anything other than their real competencies, unreasonable.” For me, the experiment proved that it had changed life, put me on the path to follow more work in animal rights and enhance an idea The personality of non -human animals.
Later, Kanzi was likely showing great interest in Minecraft, as you recorded by Youtuber Christopher Slayton in 2023. In his conversation with the record of Des Moines, Amanda Epping, Research Coordinator at the APE initiative,, He said I love Kanzi video game and enjoyed having a crowd for it. “It is fun for him, he is a mentally stimulating,” Ebing said, adding that Kanzi’s ability to learn new skills within minutes of us that appears to him is really incredible, can understand what to do in Minecraft within a few task attempts. “
Kanzi was more than just a scientific curiosity, as well as the comments of the monkey initiative. It was a vital evidence that the artificial borders we draw between human intelligence and inhuman intelligence are more clear than we thought. If we look back at Kanzi and his unusual life, it is clear that the gap between humans and our colleagues is not as wide as we would like to demonstrate.
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