Many Republican lawmakers pay proposals to prohibit the purchase of unhealthy foods through the supplementary nutritional aid program (SNAP), which aims to help low -income families.
Sugar soft drinks They are located in Crosshairs in three separate proposals, although two bills will go further by blocking the purchases of unwanted foods.
Representative Keith Silv, R-TEXAS, provided funding is zero for zero-NODs for 2025, which would prevent sudden benefits of soft drinks-the text determines soda as “a gas drink that contains more than 1 grams of additive, artificial desalination or flavor for each service.”
three Republicans in the House of Representatives It was listed as CosPonsors on Congress.
Silf said in a press statement: “Allowing the dollars of taxpayers to support sugary soft drinks, which provide zero food value and contribute to expensive health conditions, is a reverse solution.
Senator Rand PaulR-ky. , I just set a procedure that would carry out a broader ban on purchasing unwanted foods with Snap benefits.

The background: Pepsi cases; Left: Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky. ; The right Senator Mike Lee, R-r- (Background: Kevin Cartte/Getty Images; Left: Al Drao/Bloomberg via Getty Images; right: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
The 2025 nourishing law will put Kibosh on the sudden purchases of “Any non -alcoholic drink that is not water, cow’s milk, and a milk institute drink (such as almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk), or 100 percent of the juice,” List of snack food and light meal “, described in the American section of foodstuffs.”
This list includes different elements such as potatoes and corn slices, pastries, cakes, cakes, ice cream and more.
“It is not logical that taxpayers dollars are used to finance the obesity epidemic and diseases associated with the diet in low -income societies. Batorte guarantees that this aid program actually supports health and wellness, not chronic diseases.”
Legislators are looking at Texas

Ice Cream Ben Wagiri is shown on a rack in a grocery store on March 19, 2025, in San Anaselmo, California. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Emp)
A group of legislators in the Republican Party in both rooms of Congress pays the Surprise Surprising Law for 2025.
This scale will target “soft drinks, sweets, ice cream, and prepared sweets such as cakes, pancakes, cookies or similar products”, and called for the “Minister of Agriculture” to “conduct a scientific review” of the foods permitted under Snap at least every 5 years.
Senator Mike LeeR-car, many other Republican Senate members pay the draft law in the Senate, while MP Josh Brechin, R-OK pays, and a number of other Republicans in the House of Representatives in the lower chamber, according to
Sudden recipients may be prevented from buying fast food under the new Republican Party bill at home

Barks Hershey Co. Reese’s Sticks Bars at a store in Crocate, California, on Monday, December 9, 2024. (David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getti Emaiz)
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“The US tax dollars should not be used to pay the price of unwanted food and expose the health of the most vulnerable Americans.” “The fastest way to make America healthy again is to encourage balanced meals and stop supporting unhealthy food options. A healthy surprise law is a strong step forward in building a society that all families can enjoy strength, health and good nutrition.”
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