Amid continuous concerns about the loss of the southern Indians in their jobs to migrants in northern India, the discussion of Redit sparked a new perspective that transmits the focus from just the availability of jobs to work ethics and professional competence.
One of the users shared the experience of opening the eye from Avadi, near Veltech College, where local daily wage workers are waiting for bus stations for job shows. “They ask 900 dollars -1200 dollars a day. The user wrote:” If no one calls them at 10 am, they go home, wander, eat, sleep, drink, and repeat the next day. ”
The publication detailed an accident as the user’s father needed to help in a two -hour mission. Despite the provision of $ 500, no local worker agreed to the short party, insisting on $ 1,000. They left without an option, they employed a northern India worker from a nearby home, not only completing the mission efficiently, but they asked even if he could help in additional work. “His work was elegant, he cleaned him after himself, and he was happy with $ 500,” the user pointed out.
Echo the story with many, who shared similar experiences. This is the reality in Tamil Nadu. People often complain about the arrival of the northern Indians to Tamil Nadu and enter local jobs, but the fact is that many local population do not make effort and still expect high wages. That is why companies, including stores and restaurants, are increasingly employing North India’s workers, they are working more seriously and assumption charges, ”user books.
One of the commentators called for the appointment of local workers to renew the house. “They hardly completed 10 % of the work within two weeks, took an additional leave, worked short hours, and even asked for daily advice,” they wrote. On the other hand, when North India workers took over from 9:30 am to 7 pm, they completed the mission within two weeks, and they did not request additional privileges. The user added: “I was very affected, I personally gave each one $ 500,” the user added.
Share the last work experience for the paint, as the local population quoted $ 1,200 per worker per day for a week’s project. Instead, Northern India’s workers’ contractor who finished the mission in four days with long working hours brought. The user said: “They returned on Sunday to help us arrange things for only $ 2000,” the user said. Some indicated that the difference in the situation may be due to financial motives. “The local worker who has a roof over his head is more prepared because $ 1,000 lasts for a while. One user explained that the immigrant, on the other hand, must rent and send money to the home, so consistent work is more important to him.”
“Yes, until I met more northern Indians with the commitment of work from the local population. Two others said:
The discussion sparked discussions on work culture and job ethics, as many agreed that professionalism, instead of regional identity, determined job security in today’s economy.×9.jpg
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