Recovered from my last accident – BionicOldGuy

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By [email protected]

As I mentioned in my speech Last post I ended my group ride last week by tripping while getting off my bike. I landed on my butt hard and so did my head. The head was well protected by my helmet, and later that day I got a replacement with a better safety rating from my bike shop. My head was largely intact thanks to the helmet. I had an injury that fortunately did not affect my cervical spine but caused pain in my neck muscles for a few days. My back was fine, no fractures, but the natural padding provided by my glutes took the brunt of it, so those muscles were very sore. I took the riding easy for a few days, but was still able to train my upper body hard. Yesterday was my longest and hardest first trip, and everything felt so much better. It is nice to learn a lesson from a mistake like the one you made, and then bounce back from it.

A view from the top of Middle East Street in San Martin

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