by Chris Senelgov
| Published

While early Augings was successful or Miss Hollywood, this era was characterized by the production of one type of fans: a wonderful comedy. I am talking about the type of funny pictures that we no longer get. Those that produced the types of fun lines that we still repeat Contracts Later. And one of the best examples of this Wedding accidentsWonderful romantic comedy you can now broadcast on Netflix.
Weddlix wedding breakdowns

Wedding accidents It has a simpler conspiracy than most romantic comedies on Netflix: We follow the adventures of two divorce brokers who regularly collide with wedding parties under fake names to communicate with women. However, their plans are walking sideways when each of them is involved with the daughter of the same strong political figure. Although our heroes are worried about whether they are developing real feelings of their last signs, their wedding ceremony collides with them in trouble, once, they cannot simply magic their way.
The attractiveness of the main characters is more true Wedding accidents He has a stacked crew that you often find on Netflix, including Owen Wilson (The most famous outside this movie for Royal Tenbauums). Another male bullet is Vince vonIt can be said that it is known DodgeBall: A true weak story. At the same time, the interests of female love are played for the film Rachel McAdams (Feeling b Notebook and It means girls) And Ila Fisher (the most famous outside Wedding accidents to Confessions from Shopaholic).
In addition to the main actors, Wedding accidents It has more than one stars support team more than average Netflix A movie thanks to its strong budget (more about this soon). Among the members of the supporters team, MASTRO Christopher Walken, Man Breaking Breaking Bradley CooperAnd Bond Bond do not forget Jin Seymour. Even there is some fun surprise in the movie, such as the music icon Dwight Yokam and a heinous comedy, Will Ferrell in an uncomplicated role.

Wedding accidents It was a very profitable movie in the era when Netflix was simply rented DVD. For a budget of 40 million dollars, the film received $ 288.5 million. This was successful enough to dispense the debate about a complement, but the intended follow -up movie is unprecedented.
However, the movie an act Otherwise, get the concept of obtaining a short -term TV program called called Hospital the real wedding NBC was canceled after only four episodes. In addition, the director of the film David Dobkin directed the music video of Maroun 5 “Shujer”, which included the band that broke the real wedding parties in honoring Capee Wedding accidents.
In addition to the success of the box office, Wedding accidents She also managed to persuade critics. more than Spoiled tomatoesIt has a score of 75 percent. Critics generally praised the fun shows of Fennis von and Woen Wilson, as well as the strong movie mixture of gentle laughter and sweet moments.

If you are still not convinced that you should broadcast Wedding accidents On Netflix, consider this: When the comedy has representatives this Talented, someone is guaranteed to give you some good laughter. For example, you may not be the biggest fans of Vinc Vaughn or Owen Wilson, but they behave Titans like Christopher Walken and Will Ferrel provides fixed laughter and stealing each of their scenes. In addition, girls in this movie give well as, so if you are really Do You hate von and Wilson, then you see Rachel McAdams and Esla Fisher put these colleagues in their place very rewarding.
In addition, Wedding accidents It has something that most comedic films in Netflix lack: the main cultural influence. The fans repeated the funniest lines of this film for literal decades, some of whom have simply became part of our modern dictionary. For example, the common phrase “The Fifth Stage Clinger” was written for this movie and became the best description when someone is a little bit also In another person.

Will you find? Wedding accidents As you were funny as I did when we stifled on Netflix, or is this one movie you will not cling to? You will not even know this party yourself. Just do not blame me when you end up quote the movie for the rest of the week (or maybe your life) after watching this obscene comedy that can never To be today.
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