PM Canada carney triggers Snap Election, voting was determined on April 28 | Election news

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Montreal, Canada – The new Prime Minister in Canada Mark Carney I moved to the parliament and operation of the surprise elections on April 28.

The expected decision on Sunday begins the election race less than two weeks after Carney Take officeBehind Justin Trudeau at the time of the bounce of tensions with the United States.

“We are facing the most important crisis in our lives due to the unjustified business of President Donald Trump and his threats to our sovereignty,” the leader of the liberal party told reporters in Ottawa after he met the Governor -General to request the dissolution of Parliament.

“I am asking the Canadians a strong and positive mandate to deal with President Trump and build a new Canadian economy that works for everyone because I know we need to change – a big change, positive change.”

The elections had to be held by October 20, but experts say that Carney hopes that early vote will benefit from his liberal party, which rides a wave of momentum.

The party, which has been in the government since 2015, witnessed a Increase in support Since Trudeau announced in January that he is planning to step down and amid repeated threats from Trump.

The US President’s tariff and calls for Canada’s anger and uncertainty were fueled, and many Canadians were supportive of the liberal government company – and united – on Washington.

after Years of criticism In order to deal with high housing costs and the ability to bear the costs, the liberals are now detained in a battle of neck and opposition with opposition governors, according to recent opinion polls.

In January, conservatives have a dual -number difference over their competitors and are expected to easily resort to victory in the federal elections.

“Carney wants to summon the elections while he still has this type of momentum as a new leader – while the trauma of Trump administration is still in front of the Canadians,” Lisa Young, a professor of political science at Calgary University, told Al -Jazeera.

the US President He repeatedly said that he wanted to make Canada in “State 51”, which raised an increase in Canadian nationalism. It also imposed a severe tariff on Canadian goods that economists say can drown in the country in stagnation.

Against the background of this background, many experts told Al -Jazeera that the central “polling question” of the next vote will be the party leader is the best to respond to Trump and manage Canada and the United States.

“This is a much better polling question for Marc Carni,” Young said.

Carney – a former Central Economist and Banking expert – has the highest rankings to agree to any federal party leader, according to IPSOS poll It was released on Thursday. The Canadians also considered that the leader is able to deal with the Trump tariff and their repercussions.

Carney promised to continue Trudeau’s fixed response to the fees, including the imposition of mutual counter measures against the United States, the best global trade partner in Canada.

The liberal leader also rejected Trump Pay to the Canada supplementThe idea of ​​”madness” must be respected and Canadian sovereignty before he had talks with Washington.

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Governor Party leader Pierre Polilifri (Carlos Osorio/Reuters)

Meanwhile, the opposition governors hope to restore some of the lands they have lost since the beginning of the year.

Experts say conservative leader Pierre Boelifri, known The burning discourse And attacks against Trudeau, struggled to find solid messages against Trump.

Poilievre’s combat political style also made comparisons with the American president, which raised questions about how he dealt with Trump if the conservatives win the elections and become prime minister.

But Poilievre has criticized the liberals for their government’s registry over the past decade and said that the Canadians could rely on it to defend the country.

He said during a press conference to launch his campaign on Sunday morning: “I know that many people feel anxious, angry and anxious – and for a good reason – as a result of the president’s unacceptable threats against our country.”

“I share your anger and share anxiety on our future. But I also draw a great torque in knowing that we can turn anxiety and anger to work,” said Bouleviri. “I will protect Canada and we will put our country first.”

The CBC News reconnaissance player, who collects polling data throughout Canada, was the liberals with the support of 37.5 percent compared to 37.1 percent for conservatives as of Sunday.

The new Democratic Party, with the leftist tendencies, led Jagmeet SinghHe was 11.6 percent third, followed by Quebecais Eve Frankua Bluk with 6.4 percent.

The parties will compete for 343 seats in the House of Representatives in the Canadian Parliament, known as the House of Commons.

Under the parliamentary system in Canada, the party that usually wins the formation of a government will be required. The leader of this party will become prime minister.

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