PIIOUUOUH GOYAL asks the exporters to stay away from a “fever mentality” in the middle of the tin

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By [email protected]

During a meeting with the main trade promotion organizations, the Minister of Trade Piyush Goyal affirmed India’s efforts to establish bilateral trade agreements with various economies to enhance opportunities for Indian exporters. I reassured the government’s supporters in moving in global challenges.

The minister’s statement follows the background of the continuous tariffs between different countries, including the United States’s pressure from the United States to reduce customs tariffs on American goods. Nevertheless, India and the United States have committed to ending a bilateral trade agreement by 2025.

Joyl urged local exporters to stay away from a “protective mentality” among the tanna to the mutual tariff.

“By thinking about the mutual definitions, GOYAL warned of EPCS (export promotion councils) of getting out of its protective mentality and encouraging them to be bold and ready to deal with the world of the position of strength and self -confidence.”

In light of the budget advertisement for the task of promoting export, which emphasizes new products, markets and exporters, GOYAL encouraged the industry to make suggestions to form the plans effectively to reach the required goals.

With the recognition of the developed global scene, the minister stressed that the government is working tirelessly to secure a prosperous future for Indian exporters, whether in goods and services or protecting the interests of the nation.

The ministry said: “The indication is that the government has reached final stages in free trade agreements with a few few in particular. The minister was positive that he would lead to better opportunities for Indian exporters and would also bring higher investments.”

India is currently in discussions on free trade agreements (FTAS) with various countries and regions, such as the United Kingdom, the European Union and Oman.

The commercial deal India-the United States

The center recently informed Parliament of India and the United States plans to participate in commercial negotiations. The concentration of these discussions will be on promoting market access, reducing import duties and non -fire barriers, and improving the completion of the supply chain.

In a written response on Luke Sebha, the Minister of State for Trade and Industry, Jetin Brasada, said that until now, the United States has not imposed on a mutual tariff on India.

On February 13, the United States issued a memorandum related to mutual trade and definitions. In this memorandum, the US Secretary of Commerce and the United States Commercial Representative (USTR) was assigned to investigate any harm to America resulting from trade agreements that are not intended with commercial partners. They must submit a detailed report with proposed solutions to each partner.

The customs tariff indicates the import duties imposed by the government and pushed by companies to facilitate the entry of foreign goods into the country.

India is currently negotiating free trade agreements with a large number of countries and blocs, including the United Kingdom, the European Union and Oman.


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