Our last team is enthusiastic as you are about the best scene of part 2

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By [email protected]

Video game Another of us, the second part He is Fill in unforgettable moments. Decisions of life or death, great detection, all of this. In our minds, the best moment in the game, We wrote about this when he came outIt occurs in an empty museum, corrosion. It is a place where Joel (Pedro Pascal is in the show) Elie (Bella Ramsey in the show) for a very special attendance. A place we see for a short period of life Latest trailer for Another of us Season 2Which starts April 13.

The fans of the show may not realize what they saw, but anyone played the game knows. The second season has been reshaped This scene. It seems that the wink was intentionally done. “In the trailer, Pedro and Bella alike sees both before The space capsule in the museumLast Craig Mazin, co -productive/executive producer, said at a recent press conference, in which IO9 participated. “This scene is the first thing that Lee Neil (DroCan, the co -author) showed ever Another of us Part 2. It is beautiful. And watch (Pascal and Ramsey) a kind of inhabited it and made them their own was very amazing. “

The interpretation came after Mazin, DroCan, and the actors’ team was asked if there were moments of the game that they were excited to bring in the show. While the museum was mentioned specifically, Mazin also mentioned something else. He said: “I do not want to say what it is, but there is a scene in the last episode of the season … it is very influential in the game, but there was this type of developments as we put it in the movie this type of multiplication.”

Whatever this scene, we assume that it is a major spoiler. To be frank, explaining what is happening exactly in the museum, knowing that the masses everywhere will now get him to his experience in the show, will be a very large spoiler as well. So we will not do that. However, again, You can read it hereSure, watch it on YouTube somewhere, and see it soon when Another of us The second season returns to HBO on April 13.

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