In the 2025 “Star Trek: Section 31”, Starfleet combines a group of independent criminals and mercenaries of independent criminals to restore the Day of Resurrection from a mysterious hole. Mercenaries do not know the true identity of the aperture A, but they know that the weapon of the Day of Resurrection has been built by their leader, the evil tyrant, Empress Georgio (Michel Yuh). Empress Georgio first appeared on “Star Trek: Discovery”, and was repeatedly established as a terrible monster. She literally killed billions of people, torturing people for pleasure, and she is eating human meat. Nevertheless, it was presented in “Section 31” as a loose gun, capable of driving the Motley crew of the science fiction imbalance in the championship mission.
A member of the 31st team is a strong Siburg, but he is mentally faint named Zev (Robert Kazinski). The giant mechanical exterior wears its body, making it the “muscle” of the crew. He has a few “comedy” along with where he cannot understand his instructions completely, and he does not fully understand whether the Day of Resurrection he is looking for is called “GodSEND” or “the end of God.”
Section 31 was very badly reviewed (although /the film reviewed some positive qualities on this topic)19 % raises the approval classification on spoiled tomatoes, which is the least -ranked “Star Trek” project. Kazinsky has a theory for a reason. The actor/boxer seems to have faced many people who are not aware of the latest “Star Trek” performances, leaving him feel that the science fiction chain for decades has slipped into mystery. Morriso, as revealed by Kazinski In a recent interview with Treknation Podcast“Star Trek”, CEO Alex Kurstmann feels that “Star Trek” is dying. Exactly ancient fans are interested in, but Kurstmann does not see any new fans who enter the scene.
Alex Kurtzman does not see any new trekkies
Kazinski admitted that when he was offered a false role in “Section 31”, he had some of the same fear as many trips. Star Trek fans run hot and cold About the idea of section 31; If Starfleet requires a dark cabalism of the CIA -like trees they commit secret murders to keep the union utopia, it is not really a Utopia. Nevertheless, Kazinski was shocked when his boss told him, directly in the face, that the privilege was dying. Alex Kurstmann seems to be overseeing a concession in a state of contraction. Kazinski did not believe him, until he went to the gym to talk about “Star Trek” with young boxers, and indeed, none of the children knew much about “Star Trek”. He said:
“I spoke to Alex and spoke to (director Olsond Osianmi) and explained to me that” Star Trek “dies. I do not know if people know that, but … I was talking about” Star Trek “in my gym where I do not know which betting, and I do not know which betting. I mean, just perceive it for one second, they did not do … I would never say … I would like to say … Trek “and they were like” Star Wars? “
Kazinski noted that the fans’ base for “Star Trek” was always big and emotional, but, in terms of numbers, it never match the huge pop of something like “Star Wars” or “Harry Potter”. Maybe not, but it is barely mysterious.
Corsetman feels that Star Trek is dated
Kazinski also repeated something clearer of Kurstmann, and this is something that might frustrate Trekkies in the ancient world. Kurstmann said the concession was a historian. At least, he felt that young people are eager to work and the accident will not win in the first few seasons of “Star Trek: The Next Generation”, where he moves slowly and has weak production values. When it comes to the original series of 1966, Kazinski and Kurstmann felt that there was no modern child he wanted to control. Thus, why was it well with “Section 31” more traditional than work: it was an attempt by Kurstmann and the company to reach the youth audience.
“They explained to me very clearly, and as soon as I heard this, I was 100 % behind this movie: You have to make different flavors from Star Trek for a different period. You have to try to bring new people. (…) This is what is going on around section 31. It was made to make people want to learn more about” Star Trek “.
He also pointed out that “Section 31” was never, through its design, will be loaded with the exhibition, ecclesiastical details, or good personality moments. The work was key.
For Trekkies, these phrases make their anger. “Star Trek” is the best when it’s no Created to work. Kurstmann seems to be hoping for the temptation of “The Youth Fott” by making “Star Trek” in something curse to “Star Trek”. It does not seem that Kurstmann or Kazinski trusts that “Star Trek” can capture a modern audience of teenagers with scientific thinking or scientific obsessions ready to lose themselves in a world dedicated to peace, relationship and diplomacy. One can say that diplomacy is not hip for a modern audience, but it has certainly worked well for excellence for nearly 60 years.
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