The company’s worker, which moved from Nuwaida to Bangaluru, against the salary, with a value of $ 30,000, is now sorry for the decision, describing the city’s infrastructure, traffic and living conditions.
In the publication of Redit, entitled “He moved to Bengaluru from Nuwaida and Justice”, the worker described the city as “dirty, unorganized”, with “bad roads” and “The worst traffic”. They also noticed issues with water quality, overcrowding, and cultural gaps.
After spending a year at work in Nwaida after graduation, the worker initially restricted the search for a job to NCR. But when a chance in Bangaluru came with an increase in wages, they took a jump. Four months later, they wonder if the comparison deserves it.
They wrote: “I really regret the exit from Nuwaida,” adding that despite its pollution, they still consider Nuwaida “the best city of the first degree to work in it.” The post ends with a warning to others: “Give yourselves some time and think – is it worth moving?”
The publication sparked a hot discussion. “I feel safe in Nuwaida compared to Bangaluru.”
Another user described the feeling of not welcoming Bangaluru due to regional biases: “I felt as if I could buy a house in Bangaluru but I do not call it home.”
Some criticized the city’s lack of planning. “Nothing works properly – roads, bridges, metro, all in a chaotic loop,” one of the users wrote, called “unplanned city.”
A local population admitted the infrastructure conflicts in Bangaluru, but he blamed the unplanned rapid growth: “I am sorry I felt discrimination. It is just a few people who distort the actions of the entire society.”×9.jpg
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