Not good in mathematics? This iPhone message feature can help in it

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By [email protected]

Not everyone can solve an equation or conversion during flying, and this is all well. With this hidden iOS 18 Feature, you don’t have to open your calculator application to solve difficult equations, and you will not have to open Google to find a transformation rate, too. Instead, you can only use your messaging application.

Technical advice

Before iOS 18, if you want to know how to divide an invoice with your AFAR text messages collection, you should use the calculator or lights app and then return to messages. With iOS 18, you can make multiple steps in messages, as well as converting things like currency and temperature, without switching applications.

Read more: IOS 18 brings these new features to your iPhone

Here’s how to make messages make accounts.

How to solve mathematics problems in messages

Mathematics formula


If you want to solve the mathematics equation in messages, write the problem in your text field, add equal mark (=) The solution will appear in the field of the alert text over your keyboard. Click the solution to add it to your text.

Theses can solve simple mathematics equations such as “2+2 =” by writing them in the text field. The application can also solve equations that use more complex formulas, such as triangular functions of the pocket, perfection and disorder. You need to include an equal mark (=At the end of each equation, whatever the matter.

How to convert values ​​in messages

Converting values ​​in messages works to solve mathematics problems in the application. Write the value in your text box with the right mark – such as F for Fahrenheit or LBS for pounds – then write an equal mark (=), And the axial text field over your keyboard will show you the conversion.



If you do not refer to what must be converted, the predictive text will choose what to convert to it. But don’t worry, the app will not try to convert the pounds into minutes. The messages will display transfers to other similar units, so Fahrenheit will be converted to CELSIUS and the pounds will be converted into a kilogram.

You can choose what to convert into writing something like “60 hours to min =” and the messages will display the conversion of 3900 minutes in the field of the auxiliary text. To learn more about iOS 18, here you need to know iOS 18.3.2and iOS 18.3.1 and iOS 18.3. You can also see our IOS 18 fraud paper.

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