North Korea launches a new unit with a focus on the penetration of artificial intelligence, for each report

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By [email protected]

According to the North Korean government, the North Korean government creates a new piracy group in the General Creativity Office of the Intelligence Agency (RGB).

Daily nkA news outlet focuses on North Korea, I mentioned last week The new piracy unit, called the Research Center 227, will focus on research to develop “offensive piracy techniques and programs”, pointing to a source within the system.

The source said, according to the report, the Research Center 227 will discuss Western cybersecurity and computer security systems, which enhances the regime’s capabilities to steal digital assets; Development of artificial intelligence -based technologies to steal information; Work to respond to information from North Korea’s piracy units.

In recent years, it is known that North Korean infiltrators are aiming to exchange encryption and companies around the world, which leads to amazing thefts like The last penetration worth $ 1.4 billion from bybit.

The US National Security Agency and its Federal Investigation Office Previously accused North Korean RGB unit for piracy and spy activities.,673

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