No, “obsessive” and their technologies will not save the world technology

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By [email protected]

The United States is in the midst of a soft coup. The country is restructured and restructured under Donald Trump’s second management. He is not Trump himself, but his billionaire consultant, head of the government efficiency department (Doon Musk), who directs this change. And in America Musk, there is a demographic one who seems to have found himself in the lead and quickly gains strength: “obsessive”.

In fact, the bitter musk band of fun, The eggs and the devastating whiteIt includes Gavin Clgerand Edward CorestineAnd Marco ElizWho controlled millions of government regulations, it is easily proportional to the student’s template, who is studying a lot.

The age of information and the Internet era, which was born in the 1990s, had already witnessed the “obsessive” – ​​embarrassing and non -attractive men with limited social skills but a tremendous commitment to technology and enthusiasm – they become billionaires, and gain respect and widespread admiration for providing global technologies that change life. We have been reminded over and over, the obsessive who first gave us personal and IMACS computers, then iPhone and Androids.

In many articles in technology magazines and in films such as Revenge of the Nerds (1984), Oppenheimer (2023), Steve Jobs (2015), and the social network (2010), photographed designs such as Jobert Opeenheimer, and Apple Steve Jobs’s Mark. Zuckerberg. The popular media has long described such complex visions as complex people who have a huge need to save the world and make it a better place.

Three decades ago, the UK 4 channel and the United States’ public broadcasting service (PBS) broadcast a three -part documentary entitled Triumph of the Nerds. Referring to the computer revolution that was launched in 1975 and 1995, technology journalist has long been Robert x Cringly said“The most surprising thing is that it happened by chance because a group of disadvantaged obsessive wanted to persuade their friends.”

This perception of the billionaires that are now obsessed with our culture, but the idea that the sarin barons in the late twentieth century have accumulated enormous fortune, almost by chance, while trying to save the world as a ridiculous lie. Especially given the ways we know many “sectarian billionaires”-especially Functions and Bill Gates – Their capitalist projects ran.

In light of the heavy control that billionaires love Jeff Bezos and Patrick soon Xiong They have practiced a practice with the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times in recent months, it is clear that the technology billionaire category wants to control the flow of truth as well.

A much better description was given to the “obsessive” who came to the rule of America under Trump’s leadership in one line in the deadly weapon 2 (1989), when Martin Reges (Mail Gibson) was said, after the South African filth in South Africa entered, “well”, “well,”.

This quote is much more than just a sign of doubtful musk’s The road to American citizenship Through South Africa and Canada. It is related to reality, such as South Africa followers in the deadly weapon 2, billionaires that technology we study such as musk and the people who used in Doug believe in racist chapter, improvements, and other racist models, women, hatred, and fear. Many Musk fans are certainly engineers, and they can write and make contributions to Tesla, Spacex and Starlink that lead to important and beneficial discoveries and inventions to humans. However, they also suffer from tweets on X and other social media platforms that indicate women as “Huzz” or announce “I just want immigration policy to improvement, is this very much we should ask?” They are not completely large models of multicultural democracy or any working power. Like white men in general, they do not seem worried about making the world a better place for anyone other than himself. They will easily agree with Zuckerberg’s ridiculous claim The world of technology needs more “male energy”, when white men, in fact, keep the dominant demographic to lead this economic sector.

One day I was part of the student’s world who is studying a lot in the computer in the 1980s and 1990s. I learned eight in the eighth grade, took Pascal in the eleventh grade, and I spent the first three study at the University of Pittsburg Karad in computer science before changing my way until he became an academic writer and historian. As a student study student, I worked in computing laboratories in a two -year house. I have noticed that my colleagues are equal to work on our colleagues on “illiterate computer” (including regular use of The word r). I watched my male counterparts closely to women who need to help them explore computer problems. In the last three months of the employees, she faced sexual and racist harassment from an older white woman, a work colleague touched me twice during work.

Social embarrassment can be easily filmed as innocent and loved in a movie. But it is rarely translated into “sweet” in a world that is socially backward of racist behaviors, women, fear and fear. Orphans or not, all white men in a white society of males have a metric ton of racial and gender concession – a sense of entitlement, when they leave without specification, no different from “cold” white men. Boger asks Gilbert“Why? Does she have a rod?” – A phobia signal that his friend is not putting in revenge on the obsessive – is not much different from Declares musk He was “lost” his “son” – his separate sexual daughter Vivian Gina Wilson – To “Virus Virus”.

There is also an guaranteed assumption that the techniques created by the natural elite group have always been good for the world. Not when Social media addiction It has become millions of young Americans depressed, anxious and isolated. Not with The new generation of American males Doxxing and Image -based sexual assault Against girls and women. Certainly not when Perception machines from artificial intelligence (It is not a real artificial intelligence, anyway) are the preferred tools for people who do not want to develop critical thinking, media literacy and writing skills.

In this world of white males privilege, being a great athlete for being a socially embarrassing dictatorial pencil neck, is really a discrimination without a difference. What was meant by obsessive and their technological violations was only enabling and enriching their individual worlds for the better. That is why no one in any other billionaire camp has used his skills storming Apple or Amazon external accounts and redistributed trillion dollars to ordinary Americans. They did not allow the student’s debts to every student in the country. Because in the end, these obsessive want to wealth and strength on the marginalized people as well.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the editorial island.

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