Nick Viore fights one of the oldest and strangest pottery in New Marfille Comic (exclusive preview)

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By [email protected]

Al -Hazali writer c. One This comedy is associated. The following is characterized by a young Nick Viory fighting the massive foreign dragon known as Finang Foom.

Share Marvel exclusive examination of “Nick Fury Vs Fin Fang Foom” #1 with /movie. Read the summary of the case:

“The Wow’s Commando takes Finang FOM! Nick Fury knows how to deal with problems, regardless of size-but he never faced great enemy before! Marvel! “

Finan Foom is Makluan, descended from KakaranThara. For centuries and centuries ago, he and some of his people were disrupted in China, inspiring the ancient myths of the Chinese dragon. Iron man’s enemy Mandarin discovered their ship, and inside it, its ten episodes. This Finom Foom Iron Man has also linked, but it has not been conceived as Shellhead.

Fin Fang Foom has a long history and wind. By the date of publication, it is one of the oldest Marvel Univeerse characters, larger than the universe itself. Look, in the fifties of the last century, Marvel most often adheres to the publication of Comics Monster. Finan Foom was one of this monster, which was the first time in “strange tales” in 1961 #89, when a man named Chan Luusho Dragon awakens to attack Communist China.

“Strange Tales” #89 written by Stan Lee and was drawn by Jack Kirby. Shortly after, the “Fantastic Four” #1 The Stands, was a prosperous success, and Marvel returned to Superhero books. Some old characters have brought me back to the new Marvel world, such as Captain America and Finan Fang Foom. Of course, he also participated in creating a lot of new things, including Nick Fury.

See the Gary Frank cover of “Nick France Vs Fin Fang Foom” No. 1, and France and its colleague Howling Commando Dum Dugan Parachute appear in the face of the dragon.

A super expert like Nick Furi is fighting terrorists and foreigners alike

Nick Viory is the most famous these days as director of SHIELD, Super-SPY with an enviable abbreviation. But he was presented in the comic of the war: “Sergeant Firi and his balls of comic”, where he led a colored species in World War II. To keep this back story as the Marvel universe moves on a sliding time scale, anger is said to have anger that is slowing.

Well, this comic goes back to 1940, when he still has its howl commands but there is no eye correction yet. Al -Hazali opens with a summary page that hunt uncommon readers to speed.

Al -Hazali opens to an airport, with Fury and Co. Planning to avoid. This is the place where France meets one of the Future Wowing Commando: Gabe Jones, one of the first American Marvel Champions of African descent.

From there, the team flies from the snowy mountains (the Himalayas, perhaps?). They (we) only see the dragon, but it does not seem happy to see them. We know that France and Jones will survive this, but they will also fail to drop the Finang Foom. How will they escape? This is a question that only al -Hazli can answer.

“Nick Fury Vs Fin Fang Foom” is scheduled to release 1 on March 12, 2025.

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