Narnia details reveal a possible major change of Greta Gerwig’s Netflix air conditioning

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By [email protected]

Note: The possibility Spoilers To adapt the next “Chronicles of Narnia” for Netflix!

When Netflix Buy “Narina Records” rights, “ “The beloved” cs lewis “stories” Narnia Stories “with generations of readers around the world. With great happiness to be their home for years.” That was in October 2019. Since then, the world has gone through a pawn, and Sarandos has been upgraded to CO-CO-CO. The company also signed inspired (But also terrified) Grita Gerwig To generate her first adaptation “Narnia” and the film will be released in IMAX theaters worldwide on Thanksgiving Day 2026 (something Geragie raised the Netflix heads for a while).

It may seem like a lot of activity, and the presence of GERWIG on the plane is definitely a big problem. But in fact, over more than half a decade, the Netflix project in Narnia has only launched a reality on the screen. The GLACIRE pace continues, as Netflix has released the minimum information about the project at this stage. Whether it’s so, things are, in fact, progress behind the scenes, with a few possible news from the fan site Narniaweb.

SCOUP claims that the site has obtained a copy of the casting invitation to air conditioning, adding that, in the real Narnia style, the film is looking for children’s representatives. However, the number and age of these actors say. This is what the site mentioned:

“Production (such) is looking for two children, a boy and a girl, to photograph the 10 or 11 -year -old characters. At this stage, the description does not determine any specific material characteristics of the roles, such as the height or the hair and rehearsals are scheduled to be depicted in the United Kingdom from June Until 2025. “

This potential photography schedule is logical, given that the film aims to release in late 2026. However, the biggest details here is the presence of four children, but two children. Louis Circle, Narina, “The Lion, Witch and Treasury”, focuses on a group of heroes in the forms of children PEVENSIE: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy (played by William Musli, Anna Popliole, Square Kinies, and Georgi Henley, respectively, in the Disney movie for the year 2005 to adapt to work films). If this news is accurate, and GERWIG is looking for two older children to lead her project, this may mean that she is preparing to adapt to the different novel Louis: “The son of the magician’s brother.”

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