Jaya Henderson Then she speaks after the tragic loss of her newly born daughter, Gili. According to Landerson, after she gave birth, her daughter was inclined by officials between two hospitals in Philadelphia. Over time, I noticed the infant developing burns and rash.
The clay is worse, so that Henderson claims that the medical staff gave infants and other substances without permission. The mother believes that the materials killed her child.
What really happened? Can it be prevented, and will the hospitals be held?
now, Shade room Justin Carter Looking at the tragedy inTSR Investigations‘
More details about Jaya Henderson’s child, Galani
According to Carter, Gilani was born with no health problems at Thomas Jefferson Hospital at the University of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on March 5, 2025. However, four days later, the infant developed a swollen face and limbs. Today, Henderson believes that her hospital child’s retreat has been deliberately caused.
“I pushed it (outside) in 12 minutes – no stitches, no tears. She went out, she was crying – her father cut the umbilical cord,” Henderson called Carter.
In the days after that, the mother’s dream turned into a nightmare. According to the birth nurse, Henderson, that Gilani’s heart rate had risen. For every Henderson, I entered pediatricians and then a tool similar to the catheter below the throat of the infant while it was unhelpful.
“Gili) felt,” Henderson Carter said. “And when I did that, the child was crying, and (the nurse) was forced to suction.”
The mother speaks amid her search for justice after the tragic passage of Gilani
At this stage, the medical staff rushed to the room. However, according to Handerson, no one had to come to what was happening. Hours later, Henderson was informed that her daughter needed to be transferred to the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia.
Once Henderson saw her daughter again, she noticed a great burning on the side of her face. In addition, the mother ultimately discovered that her daughter was given unauthorized materials such as fentanel, morphine and ketamine during her hospital stay. Ultimately, Handerson was told that her daughter witnessed the failure of the members and had no activity in the brain. By March 9, Henderson was claimed that he told the hospital that he needed to get rid of the infant.
Pass up the above to see Jayanna Henderson details of her tragic death. In addition, she participates in the alleged diseases that the hospital described her daughter and how she seemed to be misrepresentation amid their treatment of the child. Finally, Carter shares how both hospitals responded to Henderson’s claims as she is collecting money to prosecute hospitals, cover the medical costs of Jailani and funeral fees.
To donate to the mother’s campaign, Gofundme, click here.
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