Multimillionaire musician.

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By [email protected]

  • It is not only Gen Z and Millennials on Tiktok Those who chant around 5 to 9 after 9 to 5. busy. When he does not write songs like “Oh, my God“For Osher, looking for the next big pop star Sound UKOr operate the new artificial intelligence company, for your information. How exactly does everything balance?

The businessman, who turned into the Grammy Award, revealed a prize luck It surpasses 5 to 9 after daily grinding from 9 to 5-it recommends Gen Z to forget the balance between work and life if they want to simulate his success.

“If you are trying to build something that does not exist, it is related to the balance of realism.” “The balance between work and life means that you are working for another person’s dream. You have a job that supports someone else’s dream, and you want to balance your work and life.”

“But if it is a realistic balance in a dream, this does not work. It is a dream you try to put in reality, and you ignore your current reality.”

For example, after working on his technical project from 9 am to 5 pm, Will says. He was working on music first before he was dipped in his technical dust in the evening.

This is why young people advise to reformulate how they think about their work leave and their current reality from 9 to 5.

“I don’t really care about this reality,” explains. “I am trying to bring this (a new project or commercial idea) here and focus on how to get people who believe in this dream to help me achieve it? Therefore, you have to make a kind of sacrifice to bring this thing that is not here.”

“From this perspective, the balance between work and life is not for architects who pull visions to reality. These words do not count the physical mentality.” does not take long on his birthday – and goes to work in China on boxing day

Of course, many young people have already put in hours to their bustle and personal development after work. Millions of Gen Zers and Millennials control evening routines from 5 to 9 people Tikhak.

But says that the cutting is in your dream when most people extend to weekends, birthdays and holidays.

“I was not a party; I was always a square meaning,” You are doing a lot, man, let’s go out. “Like?” It is your birthday, what will you do? the job. You will not celebrate? “ in conversation with Fortune

Millions say it always provides the stage of the stage, as it can finally enjoy the fruits of his work.

“There is nothing that you will ever feel that the matter is glorious of what you were actually at a festival. But how can you get a festival address? You have to work. My friends were going out and hanging on the chicks, dealing with drugs, and drinking. I was only in the working studio, writing songs.”

To this day, he says that he did not go out and celebrate his birthday – including his latest, which was only last week on March 15.

“As on Christmas over the past 12 years: I can celebrate Christmas with my family, then at the age of twenty years, I travel to China because the dreamer is the sky. Anything you want to make there.” was talking to luck In Rome to launch radio in Mercedes -Benz. daily work routine

7 in the morning: is not part of the CEO of 5 am. Instead, he said luck He wakes up at about 7 am – and holds this routine, whether he lives in Los Angeles or London.

8 am: He says: “I walk, make my calls and go to work.”

From 9 am to 5 pm: “I have completed a lot from nine to 12 years, and I have a little lunch, then I go back to work in one, and ended in the fifth, and this is every technician, like entrepreneurship activities.

5-9 pm: “Night hours are creativity,” adding that specifically between 7 pm and 9 pm when he gets the best ideas. “These are the exciting pieces, (when) I feel comfortable in the passion, where I rinse it on the phone.”

9 pm onwards: When Will was. But now, at the age of 50 and balance each of his technology and music projects, he begins to relax to sleep after 9 pm and he is sleeping at 11 pm

This story was originally shown on,600
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