Millions in the dark after Cuba suffers from a significant interruption in power

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By [email protected]

Cuba suffered a huge interruption in the force on Friday night, affecting Havana and the country’s provinces that left millions in the dark.

The Ministry of Energy and Mines in Cuba said at approximately 8:15 pm local time that the power outages in the Desiro branch on the outskirts of Havana caused “a great loss in the generation in western Cuba, however, the national electrical system failed.”

The ministry said on its account on X that it “is working on the recovery process.”

The streets of Havana were dark and empty, with light comes only from the windows of hotels that contain generators.

People in the provinces have reported in distant places such as Guantanamo, Artemisa, Santiago de Cuba, and Santa Clara suffering from power outages with light flashes only.

Earlier, the electrical union, the government agency that regulates the sector, said in its daily report that the demand for peak hours will be about 3,250 megawatts and the deficit will reach about 380 megawatts, which means that 42 percent of the national energy system will be closed. This number is not the highest in modern memory.

Cuba suffered from three large -scale interruptions in the national energy system at the end of last year, leaving the island in the dark amid a serious economic crisis.

Cuba’s energy network has been afflicted with repeated interruptions in recent months, with more than half of the country suffering from energy cuts during peak hours. The power outage is caused primarily due to lack of fuel and aging infrastructure. In many parts of the island, electricity is necessary for cooking and pumping water.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_1180/2204589891.jpg?im=Resize%3D620

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