Meta settlement of the lawsuit “the right to object to advertising tracking” by agreeing to not track the plaintiff

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By [email protected]

The human rights activist, Tania Akarol, succeeded in forcing the social media giant not to use her data for the targeted advertisement. The agreement is contained in a settlement for an individual challenge that I submitted against the dead and describing it Once again in 2022.

Ocarol argued that the legal right to object to the use of personal data for direct marketing contained in the UK Data Protection Law (and the European Union), along with an inadvertent right to not address personal data for such a purpose if Metha should respect her objection and stop tracking her to serve her accurate ads.

This dead – claiming that her “personal ads” are not direct marketing. The case was to be heard in the English Supreme Court on Monday, but the settlement ended the legal procedure.

For O’Carroll, it is an individual victory: Meta must stop using its data to target ads when it uses its services. It also believes that the settlement determines a precedent that should allow others to exercise the same right to object to the guidance of marketing in order to force the technology giant to respect their privacy.

Speaking to Techcrunch about the result, Ocarroll explained that she had not had a great option to agree to settle as soon as Meta agreed to what her legal action required (that is, not to process her data for targeted ads). If it had failed and failed to litigate, she faced great costs, he told us.

“It is a sweet victory and pass,” she said. “In many of the ways I have achieved what I have identified to achieve – it is to prove that the right to object exists, to demonstrate that it applies exactly to a business model of definition and many other companies on the Internet – the targeted advertisement is, in fact, direct marketing.

“And I think I am He appears This is the case. However, of course, it has not been determined in the law. Maysa did not have to accept responsibility – so they can still say that they settled with an individual in this case. “

Although the European Union has long obtained a comprehensive legal protection for people’s information, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)-the legal challenge of the Ukarol law may depend on it-which is still the local data protection framework in the UK still exists, proving that these privacy laws against monitoring advertising models such as One Meta are working to secure.

Years of Whack-A-Mole regulatory have played with regard to the multiple gross domestic product complaints about the company since the system entered into force in May 2018.

While Meta has achieved a large number of gross domestic product fines – including Some of the largest privacy fines ever for technology – The main monitoring model that cannot be difficult to shift has proven to be transformed. Although there are signs of this Enforcement procedure He is finally Cut away In this position in Europe. The example of O’carroll confirms that the birth of privacy is possible.

“The thing that gives me hope is that ICO (the UK Information Commissioner Office) has interfered in the case and did very clearly – incredibly convincing and convincing – along with me.”

However, it believes that the company will now turn into “Payment or approval“The model in the United Kingdom-the legal basis that he moved to in the European Union last year. This requires users to either agree to track and describe or pay the definition to access releases free from its services.

Acarol said that she is unable to reveal the full details of the deadly arrival from the tracking will be presented in her case, but she confirmed that she would not have to pay dead.,802

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