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In the episode “Star Trek: The Next Generation” “The Enemy” (November 6, 1989), the Foundation is investigating the Romollan ship that was shattered on a radioactive planet, made from the storm called Galorndon Core. Many members of the Foundation’s crew can save and save a Romulalan survivor, but storms and radiation prevent everyone from returning. Jordi (Levar Burton) left behind him, as in a second survivor of Romulaan called Busher (John Snyder). Initially, Bochra is called the injured Geordi as his hostages, but Geordi shows that the radiation will make them soon and that it would be wise to work together to escape.
The largest part of the “enemy” is devoted to saving them. In orbit, Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) must carry out some smart negotiation with the Romanian commander (Andrea Katsulas), while Jordi and Pohred find ways to survive below. It’s a good ring.
Nevertheless, it appears that it was supposed to be more interesting. In the original draft of the text (credit in the book David Kimber and Michael Biller), it seems that both Geordi and the Chancellor (Marina Sartis) was supposed to be cut off in Galorndon Core with Bochra. The idea was that radiation interferes with Jordi’s edge, which makes him blind, and he left (Mysterious British) Diana Troy To lead the mission. Not only that, but Troi, which was usually collected and Troi emotionally, had a Bads fighting scene where it would have been working on Bochra deficit. Unfortunately, through the usual rewriting process, the TRII part was cut, and Geordi and Bochra were left alone.
In the book of the oral history “Fifty Mission: The next 25 years: from the next generation to JJ ABRAMS,” Edited by Mark A. Al -Taman and Edward Gross, Sertz expressed some disappointment that her personality was embraced by the “enemy”. The actress admitted that she was looking to kick each other.
Troi would have a fun scene of violence in the enemy
It should be noted that Troi has not been given its own stories on “Star Trek: The Next Generation”. She usually worked as a consultant and personal processor for Captain PicardAnd it presented a sympathetic view during the employee meetings. It is unfortunate that you rarely tell him a chance to be a SMEMASIA in desperate conditions, because her sympathetic capabilities certainly helped her during sensitive negotiations. At least, Troi could have appeared in a conclusion for each one episode, and asked other characters about what they had learned on that day.
Even, when he got a kick, I was telling a kick. She was not a very aggressive figure, so she rarely got her grip and fighting like, for example, and Warf (Michael Dorn). The “enemy” was supposed to be her chance. Not only will you lead GALORNDON, but will hit a man. Unfortunately, the scenario was changed at the last minute, and Series were understandable. She said:
“In the original draft” The Enemy “, which I came to read, Troi and Geordi were stranded on this planet, and because Geordi was blind by the electromagnetic magnetic that prevented him from working, when I reached something interesting, and it was not that, when I did not have reached that, when it was not, when I did not have happened in the notes The distinctive, and that was not the case, and only that, and it was not so.
It is clear that the scenario modifications of this type were common in “Star Trek: The Generation”, where the recycling of the last minute is converted all the time. TROI had a championship champion in an episode in a driving capacity – and I got a punch – but everything was designed for one reason or another.
In the end, I got a chance to do a trick after years, Although she wounded the coccyx in this process.
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