The “Taken” for Pierre More is far from a classic, but the hook of sexual traders unintentionally kidnapped the daughter of the dead CIA unintentionally working well enough to make the film a decent path for the afternoon, especially with Liamon’s caliber at the position of Baba Bear. Film pioneers turned in large numbers and they got what they paid specifically (starting from the movie A-Cinemascore in the movie), so Fox ordered in the twentieth century a continuation of a complement to the amazing events, so you will not mind kidnapping the Nesson daughter again. They emerged correctly (although his ex -wife was kidnapped), and they recorded more success. So they returned to the well for the third time, and made almost the same amount of dough without breaking the bank with a budget.
There was “4” (if you did not accredit The person who includes Jimmy Kimmel), Which flies in the face of the traditional studio concession that holds you continues to pump installments of garbage until the garbage stops reasonably profitable. You can argue that the kidnapping of Maggie Grace kidnaps several times tense credibility, but A) I wait intelligently until the third act of her kidnapping in “Taken 3”, B) You can give her a daughter to buy to kidnap her (which will make the grandmother Neeson twice As crazy) and c) Charles Bronson made five films “desire to die” Where film makers remained to find family members who were killed and friends for revenge.
Why did the “Taken” franchise after the third film achieved $ 326 million with a budget of $ 48 million?
Liam Neeson is no longer with the privilege
The main reason “Taken” franchise The interconnection was not that Nisson, after he was unexpectedly invented as a movement star, felt that the entire endeavor had become completely ridiculous. “There are only many times that your daughter can be taken,” He shouted to Stephen Colbert. He jokingly said that he should beg to the kidnappers to take his daughter in a fourth movie.
Nesson did not even want to make “take 3” As Graham Norton said“I said that the second (the batch) will not happen, and I said that I will not do a third if someone is taken.” He only made the second completion because film makers went “the desire of death” with her, and his wife (Famke Janssen), which he felt would not be an insult to the audience.
As Slasher’s privileges taught us, you can insult hell from the audience’s intelligence as long as you offer enough red meat. You cannot do this with the man who played the role of Oskar Schindler in the foreground, and for this reason the “Taken” team changed the gears and made a pre -TV series for NBC in 2017. The problem here was no one at all concerned with Brayan Mills; They only watched the movies for the Damien Nisson. This is why the “Taken” series lasted only 26 episodes.
Now 11 years after “Taken 3”, you might think Neeson will get a little nostalgia and think about returning to the role. Nisson, however, is now 72 years old, and returned in 2015, Tell the trustee Perhaps he had two other years of movement films in it. “I am in a very cool place,” he said. “Certainly the success of” I took “… it seems that Hollywood see me in a different light.” “I have sent a good number of texts directed towards the movement, which is great. I do not knock them. It is very exciting. But there is an end, of course.”
So you may also exclude him by James Bond.
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