Kordlayer builds tools for a non -technical position in the driver’s seat in developing the artificial intelligence application

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By [email protected]

Boom Genai has launched in the past few years a wave of startups that promise to support the scandalous engineering process – that is, to find instructions to direct Chatbot AI accurately to use useful output. So, consider tools like Chatgpt from Openai and Google’s Gemini, which provides the user with an empty field to inquire – and where to ask and also how to ask him can lead to very different results.

Its headquarters Quortlayer I entered this space early, and launching a tool to help applications to manage the destruction process about two years ago. Its founders were playing with AI Chatbots themselves and wanted something to follow, the co -founder Jared Zonic (a Techcrunk disrupts hackathonIn the picture above left with co -founder Jonathan Bidim).

On a little bit of whims, put MVP there (on X) and the tool they built for themselves made a splash, so they continued to build. It has since developed into a fast management product that they sell to third -party companies to support the development of their AI applications, indicating that the founders have reached the right time to meet the increasing interest of companies in how to enhance LLMS models (LLMS) their productivity.

While the rapid support space has increased significantly in the years in which Promlalay has passed on MVP, they continued to create a completely distinctive guided management platform – a visual interface is provided full of tools to manage and monitor the process of trying to extract the best value from LLMS.

They have now closed a seed of $ 4.8 million to continue building the momentum for their approach. The tour leads Ivan Berkovic (Venture scop partners), With Peter Boyce II (Capital) Participation again (he also funded pre-seed), along with many angels, founders and artificial intelligence operators-including Michael Akillian, Joshua Broder, Bern Hobart, Roman Hoyt, Josh Kamdoui, Logan Kalpatrick, Bin Lang, Alex Obenheimer, Gokol Rajaram. , Gabriel Station and Louis Volus.

Maintaining the tabs on the claims

Zoneraich says the essence of the Orderlayer product is a “directed record”. “It is CMS, it is governing the release of the claims,” ​​he explains. “You have a router, you can create a new version, you can learn the reason for the different versions, and then you can choose your production version … This is similar to the center of our product – and everything expands from that and tries this to make it more useful.”

“For example, tests above it, or record the highest that you use any router, or A/B tests between claims, and a kind of deeper ideas in which version is the best.”

The basic system for customer support is designed to test and evaluate various claims for their application use – for example artificial intelligence training application or Chatbot to support customers – allowing them to test how to perform different versions of claims via a group of LLMS; More generally, get better dealing with this brave new world to develop the application where the language required to lead advanced technology, mostly, just words (instead of the code).

Unusually for the DeV tool maker, Dormlayer deliberately focuses on non -technical users.

Zoneraich says they have made a conscious option to build quick management business directed towards what “field experts” – that is, professionals who have major experience in their field, whether that education, legal, health care, etc. – after they found the first users were brought in Not salaries to the development party.

“We believe that you cannot build artificial intelligence for healthcare without doctors, or Amnesty International Legal Organization without lawyers, or treat artificial intelligence without healers,” the startup company writes in an important statement saying that software tools “allow field experts and engineers to cooperate with the use of our visual CMS “

Zoneraich goes further – saying that the platform puts the domain experts in the “driver seat” to develop the application.

“This becomes something they need to train – but it is not a big jump,” he suggested. “It is not as if they had to learn the code. So something that the average person can pick up.”

Take a different path

Looking at how Genai has opened the artificial intelligence tool box-thanks, in a large part, to Openai’s decision to include AI Tawylidi in an accessible natural language interface-the option to focus on non-technical user tools makes logical. However, Zoneraich believes that it distinguishes them from most players in space.

“We follow a completely different approach from anyone else,” he suggested during a call with Techcrunch. “This complete concept of field experts who lead the charge – no one does that. I think we have learned this from our customers. But in the Silicon Valley, it is somewhat stimulating to build for a non -technical, not technical.”

“I don’t think we need to persuade anyone that this is the correct way to do this. ).

“There is not enough engineers anyway, even if we want to employ everything with engineers.”

On the technical intelligence tools technically concentrated, the name Zoneraich specifies the name of the proverbs Zabir – In addition to referring to what is indicated by the name “LLM Ops” companies like Brain and Linjshen – When we discuss the competitive scene. “But I think everyone fits this (tools for technical users),” he claims, saying that it is convinced that for most companies that seek to benefit from the LLMS power, experts related to the application that they want to build are not technical employees.

He also believes that the skills required to be a goodly directed engineer are not necessarily the same that makes a good programmer.

“The rapid engineering skill is not 100 % associated with engineers. There is a sub -section, but it is really, such as, a kind of tampering skill (required) …” I will only try this random thing, and then I will see what the output is. “Some people try to plan It really has and conducting research on what should be claimed. In my opinion, these people are not good in (immediate engineering) because there is no really knowledge. “

He added: “I think the more you try to understand LLM, the better.”

Build the application

Zoneraich is upward about the size of the market needs to get tools to get better than LLMS. Also, he is not concerned that this newly -shown area of ​​fast engineering will end up in the work date that is rapidly settled through new developments in the fast -paced GNAI market.

Even AGI – Amnesty International’s Smart Organization, which must be achieved in existence – would need to be needed Something He says that working with him, which means that humans still need some forms of tools/support to push machines in the foreseeable future.

“The difficult part, what do I do with it? The difficult part, what is the task I give to solve it?” He says, which confirms Dormdlayer’s confidence that he is building long -term tools. “The difficult part is to determine what to do.”

“If you think there is no ideal solution to many of these problems, there are unintended ways to solve them, and this is the task of the quick engineer – to choose the problem that I solve? What is the context of solving the problem?”

“LLM is just a tool to move from the definition of the problem to the solution, but you only transfer the abstract layer … We have moved it away from the symbol of the device to modern programming languages. Then we moved it from modern programming languages ​​to claims. Perhaps we will transfer them from the initial claims to be like inputs to Claims.

“But at the end of the day, I still need some inputs. There is this unbalanced part of it.”

The seed round will be used to expand the team (currently from eight parts), with a focus on adding an internal engineering talent to ensure the quality and reliability of the service to customers, for each zoneraich. They also want to expand the platform to serve more cases of use and develop use-in addition to exerting effort and energy in building a community to help take care of this exposed field of rapid engineering.

“The jury is not in the form of a directed engineer or how a directed engineer. I think it is our duty to build a society about this – be like a pioneer in this immediate engineering field and show how to do so. This is a great axis.”

Dormlyer does not reveal the number of customers who have their payment tools yet – but Zonorah says they have more than 10,000 customers who have been on their website. (Parentlab and Speech supported by Openai They are two paid works.

An young company has also witnessed 13x growth in revenue this year-and it claims that this rapid growth in revenue is purely through the word “whenever the teams discover that they need experts in the field, not just engineers, to build artificial intelligence.”

“All it takes to fix these claim problems is that you go, change the claim, and see how the results are – and we have a lot of tools to help you do so on a large scale. But this is the main thing: just a scientific method,” Zoneraich adds.


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