Kanye West criticizes Jay Z and Bionance after attacking their children

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By [email protected]

West Jay Zi and Bionisi also called for not using their influence to give him the financial leverage in the nursery battle with Kardashian.

The latest trees from the “Donda” rapper to Carters come after an initial post, where they attacked their children.

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Kanye West expresses disappointment in Jay Z and Bionance

On Wednesday, West shared his feelings on how he dealt with Jay Z and Bioni in the past.

“I love Jay Z and I feel bad” Start. “I always felt as if I were the black sheep as I wanted a family in this music.

The West continued, “I was running on stages of believing that I was doing the right thing and I would always be simple.”

The music producer continued to tell some of his grievances towards Jay Z, and wrote, “Hove did not come to my first wedding, which Kendrick puts on the super Paul even at all, which was not invited to his merit in two red caps on Dunda.”

“I felt that each of his wife could have helped me get more financial leverage with my children. They could use their cultural site to watch Kardashian running me.”

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He concluded that “S -T hurts me so that F-Ak causes each of them when I need them, it was F-Ak Me.”

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Kanye West tweeting his killing Jay Z

Rant Kanye West Jay Z
x | Kanye West

In the previous jobs that came shortly before his screaming around Jay Z and Bioni, West said that rapper 99 problems may have been thinking about killing him.

He wrote: “I know Jay Z driving his car like D-Mn, Ali K-LL Kanye.”

In another post, he said: “I know that he will harm Jay Z to the K-LL ME, but some should do it.”

West also said that “he does not want the Jews to get the credit for killing.”

He wrote in another post, “I also don’t want Jay Z to have a problem with K-Ling Me.

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Kanye West Jay Ze and Bionis are backward children.

West’s publications about Jay Z and his wife came after deleting the initial tweets about the twins of the couple, Rumi and Sidi, in a disturbing screaming.

Although he deleted posts, the X user Screenshot He – is. In one of the participants, “College Rropout” Crooner wrote, “Wait, is anyone ever watched Jay Z and Beyonches (?).”

“They are backward, not like literally, and this is why the artificial threat is a blessing. The presence of backward children is a choice,” West added.

After this position was downloaded, he replied why, he wrote, “Someone from my music team called me and begged me because I was talking to Twitter, and etc. I am very angry at that.”

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In another post, West referred to Jay-Z as “P-Ssy-SS”, before claiming that the latter “made him go down tweet. As he wrote,” My Twitter is to convert one way. “

History of the relationship of Jay Z and West

Kanye West and Jay Z

Kanye West and Jay-Z’s relationship dates back to 2000 when West began to produce ROC-ALLA records, which Jay-Z participated in establishing.

Jay Z played a major role in his early career in West as his teacher, as he inspired the 2007 “Big Brother” song.

However, tensions arose in 2014 when Jay Z and Bionisi exceeded the Western wedding to Kim Kardashian.

Their link has already been tested after the MTV VMAS incident in the West, where Taylor Swift was boycotted by Hamad Beyonce.

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Previous Western comments about Jay-Z lost its first wedding ceremony

Kanye West has previously expressed his disappointment at Jay Z for the loss of his wedding to Kardashian.

In 2014, he said Gqand “All this, I will not even speak. I don’t even care about, who will appear. Because the most important person appears there, Kim was, and that’s all that matters to me.”

In 2018, West said.Breakfast Club“” I have hurt them (Jay Z and Bioni) did not come to the wedding. I understand that they were going through some things (cheating allegations against Jay Z at the time), but if they were a family, you will not miss a wedding. “

West had previously expressed his frustration towards his older daughter, north West, Jay Zi and the daughter of Beyonce, Blue Evi, and he had no game for a manager.

He also claimed that they had not yet communicated after the Kardashian theft in Paris.

Meanwhile, Jay Ze West described “crazy” in his song “Kill Jay-Z”, which appeared in his album “4:44”.

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