Jt Thomas offers Venita Asbin to lie and hints in the prosecution of Sally Carson because of defamation!

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GT Thomas

Jt Thomas offers Venita Asbin to lie and hints in the prosecution of Sally Carson because of defamation!

Garrett “JT” Thomas He shoots accusations from The magic of the south Participated stars Veneta Asn and Sally Carson, Appoint the record directly on social media.

Veneta Asn

During the weekend, Gymnast39, refusal Come here She claims that she spent $ 5,000 on him before discovering that he was in a relationship, and fell against Sally’s amazing claim that he tried to blackmail her.

“Mother … we were/we were the best friends, I forgot my credit card in her car by chance, and she was leaking a stick a few days after the main ATV crashes, and Paypal’s full back,” Gymnast He explained in a comment on the United States’ weekly Instagram After the situation.

GT Thomas

“At that time it was funny, and we all laughed. Now it’s another little lie that I deal with.”

Its allegations reserves, Gymnast partner PayPal Screen snapshot confirm April 1 transfer 4,054.48 dollars – less than $ 5,000 at Initially claimed. “It was not $ 5,000 … it was $ 4054.49, it was (number),” he explained to him Instagram story.

Veneta Asn

During, Sally She added her own accusations to the drama, commenting on social media, “He invited me to his home and then tried to blackmail me.” Gymnast No time is lost in the response, describing her statement as a complete lie. “I was never in my house, and I never blackmailed anyone,” he shot.

“It has been banned, my lawyer and I decide whether we want to serve in defamation … perhaps not because of an explicit, not worth my time or (money).”

Sally Carson

Veneta Asn and Gymnast A documentary friendship that eventually turned into romance during The magic of the south The tenth season. Their bond grew after a joint appearance Watch what is happening livewith at Referring to Gymnast As her best friend.

However, their relationship took a turn when Gymnast He revealed that he was returning to someone else, leaving at Deficient.

Veneta Asn

The situation escalated when Gymnast He introduced his new girlfriend, Ali Perbles, on Instagram In October 2024, which leads to a collapse of a full connection between it and at.

with The magic of the south 10 -day season on Thursday BravoIt is clear that the drama outside the screen is just as it is running on TV.

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