Jermain Duberi It was weighed on Don Robinson Virusi reveals to live in her car for about three years.
Related to: Former singer En Vogue Dawn Robinson amazes the fans after she revealed that she was living in it (watching)
Jermain Dubri shares his ideas about the living situation of Dawn Robinson
Camera rooms, if you are keeping up, you already know the former singer of en vogue dawn Robinson viral after opening up to her living situation. Well, now, Jermin Duberi drew attention. During the last live broadcast, Jermin revealed that people were asking him why he did not go up to help at dawn. He said after watching Her video on YouTubeIt seemed like dawn “He welcomed the idea of living in her car because of what she saw as other people.”
Jermin has not retreated from Robinson’s superiority to her living. While watching the video, hold it with an auxiliary mention, what he gave. He couldn’t know how she could pay an assistant if broken.
“There is no way you got an assistant and did not get the money. When you do not get any money and you are doing here what you are doing, you are doing here ** R. You are moving yourself. Jermin added:
In addition, the rapper said he did not see how an assistant can roam her if she does not have the money to pay her. “If you don’t have any money, how will they help you … this is meaningless.” Moreover, Jermin added that he just wants to make sure that everyone is interested in the full story of Dawn Robinson. ))
The former Dawn husband applied for help after preparing the current living virus
Jermain Duberi was not the only one who shares his ideas in updating the life of Dawn Robinson. TMZ reported that her ex -husband, Andre Allen, had a lot to say about her position as well, and wanted to give a helping hand.
Andrei told the Hilton. He said that he provides her with the opportunity because he does not want to see her struggle like some of his close friends. He also stated that he was at dawn a job before, but she chose to live outside her car instead. However, he believes that her character will be a great sales match.
André is currently participating and claims that he earns more money than he did while he is in the music industry. Dawn and Andre married in 2003, but they separated from ways in 2010. Andre also helped Dawn Reunite with en vogue before an error occurred.
This is what Al -Fajr said about its circumstances
Regardless of what everyone says, Dawn Robinson explained in her video that she is happy to choose and has no remorse.
“I felt freedom. I was very free. I felt,” Wow, this is completely different. “I felt I was on a camping journey, and I felt this is the right thing to do. She said:” I do not regret it. “
I also left that she was not looking for sympathy – just wanted to share the truth. “This is not like” poor dawn “. Not that. I learn who I am; I learn myself as a person as a woman.” The dawn added.
Related to: The former Fajr husband Robinson makes this offer after she admits to live in her car
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