Is this a lost masterpiece or fraud? Let’s ask artificial intelligence

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By [email protected]

His artificial intelligence So far it was It was recruited as Bogman In cultural circles: software will Take jobs From the writers and translators, the images created from artificial intelligence, the death toll of the painters and graphic designers.

However, there is an angle of high culture where Amnesty International The starring role is played as a hero, not the removal of traditional heroes – experts and conservatives – but adding a strong and convincing weapon to their arsenal when it comes to fighting forgery and poor landmarks. Artificial intelligence already Exceptionally good In identifying and documenting the artist’s work, based on the analysis of a digital image of the painting alone.

The objective analysis of Amnesty International delivered a key in this traditional hierarchical sequence. If the algorithm can determine the composition of an artistic work with a statistical possibility, then where does the historians of the old art whose reputation were built on their subjective experience? In fact, artificial intelligence will never replace experts, just as he did not use X -rays and carbon dating back to decades. It is simply the latest in a set of high -tech tools to help.

Amnesty International must be “feeding” an organized data group “by historians of human art to build its knowledge of the artist’s style, and historians of human art must explain the results. This was the case in November 2024, when Amnesty International was a pioneer, Acknowledgment of artPublish her analysis to Rembrandt’s Polish contestant– A painting confused the famous scholars and led to many arguments about the amount, if any of them, was already drawn by Rembrandt itself. Artificial intelligence accurately identical to what most of those involved in parts of the painting by the master, which were by his students, which included the hand of excessive enthusiasm. It is especially convincing when the scientific approach confirms the opinion of experts.

We humans find difficult scientific data More convincing than personal opinionEven when this opinion comes from someone who appears to be an expert. The so -called “CSI effect“How jury see the DNA evidence as more persuasive of the testimony of eyewitnesses. But when experts (eyewitnesses), he began, and scientific tests (CSI) on the same conclusion?

But what happens when the employer, at first glance, seems to be so unreliable that he is laughing, recruiting a stain company with the task of collecting criminal evidence to support a favorite chain of transmission?

I lost and found

In 2016, an oil painting appeared in a used commodity market in Minnesota and purchased at less than $ 50. Now its owners suggest that It could be Van Gogh lostAnd therefore it will be worth millions. (One estimate indicates 15 million dollars.) The answer – at least for anyone who had an eye -worked eyebrow and a passing familiarity with the history of art – was “Nah”. The painting is harsh, clinical, completely lacking brush fever and rhythmic brush that defines the Dutch artist. Worse than that, it bears the signature: ELECAR. However, this questionable painting has become a center for a high -risk battle for originality, as scientific analysis and market forces collide with and thinking.

The owners of “Exlaar Van Gog”, where it has become ridiculous in the technical circles, is now an order Technical Consulting Group called LMI International. they Investment heavily In making experts say what they want to hear: in reality, Gogh is real. This is where things become mysterious. The world of art ratification is not a clear relationship. Unlike difficult sciences, the history of art is dealt with in possibilities, the people of experts, and the competing opinions of experts. It is also, and it is an industry driven by financial incentives. If the painting is considered real, then its Skyrocts value. If he is considered fake, or rather in this case, there may be a derived work by a person called Elemar who cleared slightly on the fabric, inspired by Van Gog, but with any of his talents, it has almost no value – it is of no value as much as you expect to find it in a hateful commodity market in Minnesota for less than 50 boxes. This risk imbalance led to a dangerous direction: employed experts who are not to determine originality, but to confirm this.,c_limit/Van-Gogh-AI-Identification-Culture-87621542.jpg

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