Is the low map diet to answer your digestive problems?

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By [email protected]

If you have faced continuous digestive problems, then you know that some foods can spoil the chaos Your intestine All kinds of unpleasant symptoms – such as chronic stomach pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

It may be difficult to determine the foods that make you feel miserable, but researchers have found a diet called “diet low map” It may help reduce discomfort By identifying the foods that are likely to provoke.

Obviously, if you are facing serious digestive problems, you should request a qualified professional guidance. But if you are wondering if a low diet can help you Overcome And keep your stable stomach, here you should know.

What is a low map diet?

A drawing that explains what Fodmap foods | Vodamab diet

It is also known as “Dodmap Diet” or “IBS Diet”, which is a low map diet Carbohydrates Known as Fodmaps: Lack of fermentable sugars, sugars, mono sugars, and panoliols. By eliminating these carbohydrates and then re -inserting them – That was absorbed (if any) in your intestine You can start knowing high -map foods that you can tolerate, and which makes you feel … ER, CRAPPY.

Researchers in Monash University In Australia The diet originally formulated To address the role of these carbohydrates in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Is a low map diet healthy?

As a short -term system, a low -map diet is a safe way to know foods that may lead to digestive problems so that you can get some satisfaction that affects the need. But many healthy foodstuffs – including many Legumesand Full granulesand Fruits and vegetables – High in Fodmaps, so you definitely don’t want to block all Fodmaps forever.

Andrea n says. Giancoli, MPH, RD “We want people to eat these foods. A balanced diet

Why do you need professional instructions

The judiciary can be a complex process. So, although you may be tempted by launching printable Fodmap menu and going to DIY, it is important to Talk to the dietitian It is a specialist in digestive disorders and can guide you within each step.

“There are a lot of things that can continue in the stomach and small intestine, so it is important not to diagnose,” says Giankoli. “You don’t want to follow a diet to get rid if it is not necessary, or if it is not effective.”

For beginners, the elimination stage is not simple as prohibiting all foods containing Fodmaps. You may be able to withstand some high -map foods in a small meal sizes without creating symptoms. For example, wheat is restricted to a low map diet, but a dietitian may give you green light to eat One slice of wheat bread From time to time.

Fodmap Food is not as clear as they might look. Banana, for example, a high map when they are mature, but low map when not succeeded. Legumes are high -map food, but chickpeas and canned lentils tend to be less in Fodmaps, and the sizes of smaller parts may not lead to symptoms.

The stage can be re -submitting, or challenge, as well. Let’s be honest-even with a list of low-map foods on hand, most of us do not know Disacchaides from the polyols. The dietitian can go into the steps to reintegrate each sub -group into your diet.

“It is extremely important to do this systematically to identify foods and Fodmap groups that lead to symptoms that do not do it,” he says. Alicia Galvin, Street

The bottom line: Everyone’s tolerance of Fodmaps is different. Working with a dietitian can help you know the foods that you should and should not consume – and in any quantities – so do not shorten more than you need healthy foods and main nutrients.

What foods can you eat on a low -map diet?

A picture of low foods Fodmap | Vodamab diet

According to researchers at Monash University, the following Low map foods Get the green light during the judiciary:

  • Vegetables: Eggplant, green beans, Book Choi, sweet pepper, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini
  • Fruits: Smalfs, grapes, kiwi, mandarin oranges, oranges, pineapple, strawberry, immature bananas
  • Dairy and alternatives: Almond milk, wild, Camebart, Vita, cannabis milk, steel cheese, lactose -free milk, soy milk Made of soy protein extract or soy beans “
  • protein: Eggs, fixed tofu, regular cooked meat, seafood, timbe
  • Grains and alternatives: Corn (cup, porridge, tortilla, popcorn), Amaraneth (swollen), oats, Buljor, quinoa, millet, brown rice, buckwheat, thin corn, fermented dough bread.
  • Sweets: Dark chocolate, maple syrup, rice barley syrup, table sugar
  • Nuts and seeds: Macadimia nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts

What foods should be avoided in a low map diet?

High food image on Fodmaps | Vodamab diet

High map foods below should be avoided in general during the judiciary and gradually re -presenting with the help of a dietitian.

  • Vegetables: Artichoke, asparagus, cauliflower, garlic, green peas, leeks, mushrooms, onions, sudden peas sugar
  • Fruits: Apples, cherry, dried fruits, mango, nectarin, peach, pear, peach, watermelon, ripe banana
  • Dairy and alternatives: Cow’s milk, custard, evaporated milk, ice cream, soy milk Made of soy beans (Unlike the soy protein extract or “soybeans”), sweetened condensed milk, yogurt
  • protein: Legumes, marinated meat and processed meats
  • Grains: Wheat bread/rye/barley, breakfast grains, and snack products
  • Sweets: High fructose corn syrup, honey, sugar -free candy
  • Nuts and seeds: Cashew, Pistachio

Can you lose weight on a low map diet?

You may simply lose a few pounds because you eliminate a lot of sugar-but this does not make this weight loss system.

“I never recommend this weight loss diet – just as a therapeutic diet,” says Galvin. “Weight loss requires changes in a long -term diet and lifestyle, and it is not intended to follow a long -term Fodmap diet.”

In addition, it is not a plan for guaranteed weight loss. Not only does a FDMAP diet makes it very difficult to find healthy recipes, but you can still exaggerate the foods approved by Fodmap such as table sugar and dark chocolate. But if you are dealing with gas, bloating, and other discomfort associated with digestive, calming your symptoms may take priority for rapid weight loss anyway.

It is repeated: This is not a digestive strategy. But while Fodmap is not easy, under the auspices of your doctor and the registered dietist, it can be an effective way to know the foods that tamper with your digestive system-and help you get some relief.

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