When the “28 Years Later” trailer is shown. It dropped online earlier this week, and viewers were eager to see how all of the film’s stars appeared in Danny Boyle’s first full-length horror film since the original 28 Days Later. While they did get a good look at Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Ralph Fiennes, there was one notable omission. Where was 2024 Academy Award winner for Best Actor and returning “28 Days Later” star Cillian Murphy?
It didn’t take long for people to start theorizing that he was indeed in the trailer, but not at all in the role that was expected.
As /Film reported on Tuesday, A number of hardcore fans believe Murphy made a brief appearance In the 1 minute and 48 seconds of the trailer as a dried out zombie. In their defense, this might explain why Murphy’s name doesn’t appear on the film’s official poster. But there have also been several arguments to the contrary, including that Murphy was captured in leaked set photos looking very much like himself, and that the zombie was so noticeably emaciated that there was no way Murphy could have achieved that look without… Do this. What Christian Bale did was risky Before filming the movie “The Machinist” directed by Brad Anderson. In fact, I took one look at the zombie and discovered that it had to be animated.
He wasn’t moving. But he wasn’t Murphy either. So, who’s playing this tall, thin drink of water infected with the rage virus?
Angus Neill plays the emaciated zombie 28 years later
According to The Guardian newspaperThe man playing the character known as “The Skinny Zombie” is none other than art dealer Angus Neill. If you’ve never heard of Neil, it’s probably because his only credit before appearing in “28 Years Later” came 21 years ago when he played Tim in the New Zealand action-adventure anthology “Freaky.”
When contacted for comment, Neil revealed that Boyle was amazed by his unique looks. According to the actor, “Danny told me he had always had this role in mind. So we met, and agreed to take part.” If you are wondering how Neil looks after applying makeup, you can check this out His page is on the Ugly Models Agency website. To give you an idea of how slim Neil is, he is 6’2″ tall with a 28″ waist and a 13/33 collar. Take one look at his stunning face, and it’s easy to understand why Boyle thought he would make a great zombie painting.
Neil rated the shoot as a “very intense experience,” which is exactly what we expect to get from him. Boyle’s long-awaited reunion with screenwriter Alex Garland. As for what Murphy’s Jim has become since 28 Days Later, we may have to wait until the film’s release date, June 20, 2025, to find out!
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