Due to the presence of duties under the UK Safety Law (OSA) related to illegal content processing in effect on Monday, the Internet Control Authority, OFCOM, said it launched a new enforcement program that focuses on storage and online file sharing services.
The organizer said that its evidence shows that file sharing services and storing files are “particularly vulnerable” to use in sharing sexual assault materials on children -based children (CSAM). the An enforcement program They will evaluate the safety measures they put in place, which aims to prevent the perpetrators from publishing CSAM on their services.
Offcom added that she wrote to “a number” of these services, without naming any of the concerned. They were notified that “official information requests” will be sent soon regarding the measures they have already applied or planned to implement CSAM. They will be asked to provide illegal assessments of risks.
Failure to comply with OSA can lead to major penalties – up to 10 % of the annual annual sales rotation.
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