In an attempt to heal the shock of Israeli raids in the occupied West Bank Israeli conflict news

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By [email protected]

Jenin and Tolkrim, occupied the West Bank – omaima Faraj bends her head in silence for a moment – she is tired, but the work does not stop.

She arrived at a school that turned to the school near Tulkarem, where she is her first patient, an elderly woman who displaced her with a tenderness, waiting for her to measure glucose and blood pressure. Then she moves to the next semester, the next patient, who is walking in an open corridor that is immersed in the sun in late February.

Farraj, 25, was volunteer to help the residents destroyed by Israeli raids for weeks. She is one of the young Palestinians working to address the emergency that Israel creates through the occupied West Bank while leaving refugee camps and adorning thousands.

Rushing into danger

when The military occupation of Israel and the displacement of the camp On what the Israelis called the “Iron Wall” operation, on January 21, Faraj rushed to the camp instead of escaping from violence.

The volunteer checks the blood sugar levels in the displaced woman
Volunteers give priority to patients with chronic diseases (Al Jazeera)

I stayed there with her volunteer colleagues for more than 12 crucial days, when the attacks were in their cruelty and people were still trying to organize to flee the camp.

They focused on providing aid to the needy people – the injured, the elderly, and the people with limited movement. No one can reach the hospital because the Israeli soldiers will not allow them to do so.

The Israeli soldiers harassed the volunteers and the spirit of Farraj, describing how they would threaten it and its colleagues, and ask them to leave and never return or will be shot.

One accident is chasing it in particular, from an elderly man who was trapped in his home for four days.

The team continued to try to reach it, but the Israeli soldiers prevented their way. Finally, the International Committee of the Red Cross intervened, in coordination with the Israelis to allow the safe passage of the volunteers.

When they arrived at the man, he was in a state of strait – he lacked food, water and hygiene for four days, but they finally managed to evacuate him.

While they were leaving, they were going, and warned against returning – or risking shot.

Back bags

“We had no emergency plan for this,” says Alaa Suruji, Director of the Tolkram Center.

Two of the volunteers pulling the blankets that extend through the windows to install a room for an elderly woman who displaced her on a sofa showing them what you need to do
Two volunteers visit a displaced elderly woman to help her and verify her health (Al -Jazeera)

Al -Auda and the Laji Center in the Aida camp in Bethlehem, the volunteers, trained in documenting the expulsion of people and the conditions of the camp so that they can evaluate the necessary assistance.

The population of the volunteers is about 15 nurses and the stadels who met when the Israeli raids began, to provide medical assistance and distribute the basics to thousands who were harmed.

Their small faces show the losses of nearly two months of work without stopping with the people who were displaced by the Israeli attack on Nur Shams and Tolkram camps.

They are struggling to fill a huge remaining gap when Israel banned the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNRWA) from helping people in the occupied West Bank.

These volunteers do not have a major headquarters, and they spend all day roaming to serve people who have nothing more than their bags and design.

They go to one of the 11 temporary temporary shelters, in a hurry or wherever their patients managed to find a place to live in.

They bring medical and psychological support, as well as clothes, food and other necessities for those who lost everything in front of Israeli soldiers.

Ismail stands looking for the camp that was his home, Empletel surrounded by destruction
Ismail, 23, to return to the Tolkram camp, where he was his home. He stands in the dread of the destruction that Israel (Al -Jazeera) has caused

In their back bags, gauze, portable glucose screens, gloves, dressings, championships, manual blood pressure screens, notebooks and pens.

“Our role as a very important local community,” says Alaa.

Volunteers must also support each other emotionally, and hold group sessions to deal with work losses within their destructive societies.

Many of them are the camp, so they are also displaced and targeted and saw their neighborhoods flat by Israeli bulldozers.

Faraj is not different. Like many Palestinians, she was characterized by loss and violence after the killing of her 18 -year -old brother by an Israeli plane in January 2024.

The camp is the area of ​​non -transportation. Some of the displaced residents are at risk of returning to their homes to try to recover some of their property.

They are moving in the streets full of rubble, the smell of the rotting food that they left behind in the abandoned homes now, and the sewers that are torn by the bulldozers, while the Israeli soldiers are patrolling and hovering drones, and are looking for a movement inside the camp.

Laughs, cry, shout shock

An hour after Tulkarem is Jenin, and 10 minutes of Jenin is a village called Kafr Dan where an extraordinary sound in the air – the laughter of children.

A group of children screaming as they participate in the Freedom Theater program in Kafr Dan
Children scream, stand and scream during the Freedom Theater program to allow them to discuss their shocks and give them space to play and laugh (Al -Jazeera)

About 20 children wander around a large house garden. They gathered in an approximate circle by the coaches who encourage them to speak – loudly – to get their fear and anger.

This activity is organized by the Freedom Theater in Jinin, which came to Kafr Dan to provide this moment of comfort for the displaced children, at least for a moment.

They started inside the Jenin camp as a space where children and youth can participate in cultural activities, but they were banned by the Israeli army of its presence.

“We are the theater with children,” says Shaatha Jarrar, one of the three activities.

Children are encouraged to be loud as he wants The violence they were subjected to.

A game that includes a small balanced ball on a spoon is the following, which makes children laugh again and smile their mothers, and they are happy to see their children happy.

Sitting by the side of the side is Umm Muhammad, 67, who brought some children to join the activities.

They are not her children, because she offered a shelter in her home to a seven -year -old family that was recently displaced from Jenin.

Shaatha, in a woolen hat on her green hair, walks between groups of children under the sun with olive trees in the background
Shaatha with children who were working with as part of the Freedom Theater Program (Al -Jazeera)

Umm Muhammad was displaced in 2002, during the second intifada, her house in the Jenin refugee camp destroyed by the Israeli forces when her three children were young.

She is old now, she says, her eyes are roaming as she remembers the shock of displacement. They have children on their own, Jeddah.

Umm Muhammad knows everything well Fear of Israeli tanks rolling And echo explosions. For this reason, now, insist on helping people pass the same thing.

Catha, 26, and two organizers participating in placing their equipment, and storing them in back bags. Activities are done for today.

She became aware of the Freedom Theater when she attended a program there as a child and later decided to devote her time to the legacy of the theater.

“Theater is a different world and a way of life. My work with children is part of this world. Children are our tomorrow,” she says.

Near her a mother – she prefers to block her name – who was watching her children.

The appearance of two elderly men, sitting on a sound, tangible rope
Two men look at the Nour Shams camp, most of whom are their residents, who are displaced by force (Al -Jazeera)

She, her husband and two children lived through a Disopian scene of Israeli -Kawadkoban aircraft that surpass the evacuation. Then came the Apache helicopter hovering in the sky, drone attacks, and a fleet of armored vehicles that invade, accompanied by Israeli armed Israeli soldiers.

Her eyes and the speed of her discourse expand, fresh memories telling her story.

Finally, while leaving, they had to stand while Israeli soldiers wiped their faces and arrested some of the men trying to leave.

When they left for the first time, she was designed to be allowed to return within a few days.

But the reality of displacement settles slowly.

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