How to protect your cats (and backyard chicken) from bird flu

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By [email protected]

For cats that enjoy spending time outside, FEAH says that walking paths are a good choice. Cat owners also encourage thinking about building a safe kato or closed and outdoor areas, to allow animals to get fresh air and sensory stimulation of existence abroad, but without the risk of connecting to wildlife and its balconies.

Due to the fears that bird flu can be transferred to dogs, FAEH recommends that dogs keep the wheel on the outside as well. Avma also recommends not to feed Raw food and ceramic Or treat dogs.

Faye says that cat owners must search for veterinary attention if they have any concerns about the health of their pets. Symptoms of bird flu that must be monitored include loss of appetite, lethargy, fever, gonorrhea, gonorrhea and shake eyes. If you have a sick pet and set a veterinary date, make sure that the clinic is notified when schedule that you are concerned about bird flu. Your veterinary team and your pet abroad may ask you until the time of your date, and it may take additional precautions in the fast drum to prevent the spread of the potential disease.

How to protect pet chicken

Keeping the backyard chicken has become a common hobby, including in large cities throughout the United States, and with the high price of eggs, more and more Americans will start to keep herds. If they spend time outside, the backyard herds are at a great risk to pick up bird flu at the present time.

For those who are thinking about becoming chicken owners, Faeh recommends that the local health and agriculture sections be connected to discuss the risks of bird flu risks in the local area, before bringing any chicken home. If the risk of infection is high as it lives – for example, if the outbreak of the outbreak is reported in close herds – the delay recently becomes the owner.

If you are still specified to get chicken, or if you already have a flock in the backyard, there are precautions you can take, says FAEH. She says that chicken should not be allowed to wander freely in your annihilation. Instead, keep it in a covered or running fold to prevent wildlife. FAEH also encourages their owners to reduce chicken exposure to guests, who can unintentionally enter the disease to the herd.

H5N1 symptoms in the backyard chicken can be more difficult than discovering them in cats, as birds can die quickly from the disease. It is important that you have been founded with a local veterinarian practicing chicken, says Fay. If you notice any disease inside your flock, call your veterinarian immediately. Likewise, if one of your chickens passes and doubts the bird flu, call your veterinary doctors and the local public health department.

The owners should also take their own reserves when working with the backyard chicken, care and dealing with them. Wash your hands and change your clothes after engaging with your birds, even if they are in good health, Faye says. She adds: If you have a pet or a bird looks sick, think about concealment.

Although the H5N1 spread from cattle to humans is rare, the virus has shown that it is able to do this jump. Seventy people have been injured in the United States since the beginning of the disease, and one person has died. However, most human cases have been reported in farm workers working with infected cattle, as most infection transmission appears to be in the dairy industry, where people face infected cattle and unpasteurized milk. Disease control and prevention centers say that the current danger to human health from H5N1 is low.

But of course, the goal of good hygiene is to try to stop the virus in either direction. If you deal with sick chicken, you may not hunt the virus, but you can pass it. Wash your hands and change clothes after spending time with your birds not only for your advice, but to protect other animals with which you may come into contact with them – perhaps your pets, or from the people you know. “The risks are much lower to people than cats,” says Faye. “We are more likely to come to them more than they bring us.”,c_limit/a123d951-6a7a-473f-a796-008ddb546ab5.JPG

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