The genetic test company 23andme, once, my love, Silicon, Silicon Valley, at a value of $ 6 billion, provided for bankruptcy protection, Chapter 11 late on Sunday, when it is preparing to sell business. CEO Ann Wogiki, who established the company in 2006, stepped down months after Failed attempts To take the private company.
like suspicion About the future of the company reaches its climax, all its eyes are on a set of deep personal data – which is likely to be valuable – which is carried by 23andme. Privacy advocates have long warned that the danger of the era of genetic data to any double institution – the organization can fail to protect it, but it may also hand over the customer data to a new entity that they may not trust and not choose.
California Public Prosecutor Rob Ponta mentioned consumers in alert On Friday, California residents have a legal right to request the deletion of its data organization. 23 Customers in other states and countries do not have the same protection, although there is also the right to delete health data in Washington state in Washington, the My Healty My Data Law, and regulate the protection of the general data of the European Union. Regardless of the residence, all 23ndme customers must think about downloading anything they want to keep from service and then they must try to delete their information.
“This situation really brings home that there is no national health privacy law in the United States that protects your rights unless you live in California or Washington,” says Andrea Donening, an independent security researcher and an institution for digital rights led by a non -profit patient. “Meanwhile, we continue to develop our understanding of how the genetic information value, but it also has a unique gap.”
John Verde, the first vice president of policy at the future of the Privacy Forum, says that the new owner of 23andme can review the company’s privacy policies for new customers and collect new data, but the data that already collected from the current customers is subject to the current conditions. “The company has legal obligations on the information collected under the current policies,” he says.
However, the researchers emphasize that in practice, this major transition will create a real exposure to data outside the control of 23andme customers. “In my opinion, these privacy policies – especially in the context of acquisitions in the investment capital and the private stock space – are not worth the paper that was printed on it,” says a security researcher for a long time and the privacy of data Ken White. “For ordinary people who use these services, you are alone. My advice is to request to delete your data as soon as possible.”
To delete your genetic data through the 23andme website, log in and then go to Settings In your profile. Go to 23andme data Then click view. At this stage, you can choose to download a copy of your genetic information. Then move to Delete data Click Delete the data permanently. Once the process starts, you will receive an email from 23andme to confirm. Click on the link in the email to complete the deletion process. In addition, you can direct 23ndme to destroy the biological sample that you used to extract your DNA data if the company previously allows to keep it. Go to Settings And then Preferences.,c_limit/GettyImages-1978236895.jpg
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