We often hear that long -term TV series will become like a family. When they shoot a season, actors spend more time with their co -workers more than their families, which can become a kind of exfoliation depending on the happiness of everyone. If the relationships are tense between certain parties, or if the chain simply does not lead to expectations, this dynamic can easily turn into a dysfunction.
Although it was not always a completely harmonious environment (For all Pauli BerettThe long -term “NCIS” procedural collection of CBS was largely free of the main drama throughout its 22 seasons. While the actors came and went during this time period, some, such as Sean Murray and Brian Ditzen, were suspended in the whole round.
If any one actor acts as the backbone of “NCIS”, ” It was definitely David McCalaum. The veteran performer, who ascended to television stardom in the 1960s, such as Elia Kuriakin in the NBC spy series “The Man from Uncle”, and a second wind in 2003 when it was filmed as Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, historian and medical historian of NCIS. McClicom was 70 years old when he joined the series, and although his age ranged from his time in the show, he eventually had to reduce the burden of his work while he was years ago. He was still considered a regular chain when he passed away on September 23, 2025 at the age of 90, which left the staff and “NCIS” crew to mourning a member of a member of the dear work family. So, I only felt playing in giving Ducky a great sender, which was done by the series to the satisfaction of tearful admirers.
Ducky helped NCIS crew solve a last puzzle
Initially from the Season 21 episode “The stories we leave behind”, Dr. Jimmy Palmer from Brian Desen discovers that his long -time colleague Ducky died in his sleep. The NCIS team vibrates through this news, but no one takes it more difficult than Jimmy, who was considered Ducky as a guide and a dear friend. While everyone moves during the sadness process, Jimmy receives an unexpected visit from an angry teenage girl. This is Serena Zawadsky (Olivia Sanabia), daughter of a soldier in the murdered American army who is using his death to strengthen the election campaign of a shameful politician. Olivia had requested Ducky help in helping her to wipe her father’s name, which became not just an emotional attrition but an obstacle to her future because she applies to colleges.
Suddenly, the NCIS team has a final puzzle to solve it with the help of the beloved beloved – and they come for their friend while spending time to exchange personal repetitions ranging from touch to Farhan.
It is clear that everyone who worked on “NCIS” loved mcCallum, but, as in the show, Dietzen was particularly close to the actor, which prompted him to participate in writing a farewell episode. The death of McCalaum also made a veil of former star Michael Wimalley, Who is the beloved Anthony Denuzo A surprise, first in eight seasons, appears at the end of the episode.
For the “NCIS” believers, the stories we leave behind “goodbye deservedly deserved David McClicom. Ducky may disappear, but, as the episode explains, it will never be forgotten as long as everyone keeps his memory alive through their stories about his kindness, experience and experience.
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