How long does it take a new habit to feel natural?

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How long does it take a new habit to feel natural? | MyfitnessPal

Have you ever decided to build a new behavior – such as drinking more water, exercising daily, or eating more vegetables – it will take to think about it 21 days to form a habit?

If so, welcome to the club!

Before studying science that changes behavior as a registered dietitian, I also wondered about the duration of adhesion habits. I believed that common myths like the “21 -day base”, which claims three weeks is all that it takes to form a new habit.

to learn How did customs actually work my life and the advice I share with customers.

In this article, I will dismantle the realistic schedule to build customs and share practical advice to help you create permanent behaviors.

By the end, you will know what makes the habits really disobedient and how you can start building healthy habits today.

“21 days to form a habit Legend – Where did it come from?

You may have heard the idea that it takes only 21 days to form a habit. This belief is widespread. It is an essential element in self -assistance and motivational speeches. But where did he come from?

The origins of the legend for 21 days

The legend appears to be created by a book entitled “Psychology” by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon and author of the sixties. Maltz noticed that patients took about 21 days to adapt to the changes in their self -images (1).

This observation extended to the formation of habit, which led to the emergence of a 21 -day myth. It has been circulated by “experts” for self -help since then!

Why stuck

The idea is likely to become common because it is reassuring. Who does not want to believe they can adopt a completely new behavior over a short period?

Unfortunately, this excessive timeline is not supported by scientific evidence and rarely stops in real life.

What does science say

Building habits generally begin to make a decision and create a plan, followed by constantly practicing them. With enough repetition and enjoyment, it ultimately becomes the second nature.

Science says that the time needed to form a completely individual habit, but it is not completely random.

Let’s explore the time it really takes to build the habit and factors that affect the formation of habit.

It takes more than 21 days to form a habit – here how long

While the actual schedule for the formation of habit is very different, the latest science provides evidence to help you succeed.

What the current research shows

  • 2009 study published in European Journal of Social Psychology I suggested that it take 66 days on average to adopt a fully new behavior (2).
  • A new research from the University of Southern Australia indicates that new habits can take Two months to five months (106-154 days on average) or even up to 335 days to make it automatic (3).

What does this mean to you

The legend of the formation of 21 days, which lasted unrealistic expectations for most people trying to build new habits.

Understand that it takes time It can help make nerve habits in setting realistic expectations and enhancing long -term success (3).

So, instead of feeling frustrated after 21 days, we realize that the process often takes several months – this is completely normal!

What makes the habit?

Building long -term habits takes more than just the will of the will.

The latest research highlights many factors that can affect whether new behaviors are permanent (3):

  • repetition: The more it does so, the stronger the habit.
  • timingMorning habits tend to stick better than evening habits.
  • Kind: Some customs are easier to establish than others. For example, it is much easier for most people to adopt by running your teeth from running 5 miles per day.
  • Personal choice: Choose the habits you want to do in reality a big difference.
  • Enjoyment: When the activity brings joy, it is naturally easier to repeat and harden as usual.
  • planning: To be specified about when and where and what exactly what you will do helps to lock it.
  • Preparation procedures: It can create small preparatory measures, such as placing exercise on the previous night, momentum of the larger habits.

Moreover, there are more principles supported by research that must be taken into account when choosing a habit and guarantee sticks.

Let’s go more in how to make your habits really last.

Braid and routine

Habits stick when they are associated with consistent signals.

When the behavior is repeated in the same context over time, this sermon helps operate automatic responses, which facilitates the right path in the future ((3).

But instead of trying to reach new signals for each habit, try to tie them with the parts of your routine.

For example, do you want to drink more water? Drink a cup every time you eat a meal or snack.

Positive reinforcement

Celebrating the small victory strengthens your commitment and enhances the habits by making it more rewarding.

When customers report healthier choices, encourage them to celebrate meaningful ways. This victory may participate with a friend or even write success to think later.

It may also be useful to set a long -term goal and reward yourself when you reach it (hello, massage!).

This approach takes advantage of the natural response of dopamine in the brain to keep you excited, which makes this habit more fun and sustainable over time (4).


Framing habits as part of your identity makes them more vulnerable to adhesion.

In fact, research indicates that when customs are in line with your personal values ​​and how you see yourself, efforts to change behavior can be more successful (5).

By connecting habits to your sense of identity, you not only perform a task, but also enhance those you want to be. This can lead to a high self -esteem and pushing for yourself to become ideal (5).

So, for example, Instead of thinking, “I try to work more”, remember yourself, “I am an active person who gives the priority of exercise.”

Likewise, instead of, “I plan to eat more fruits”, you can say, “I am a person who appreciates my health and chooses nutritious foods.”

These and other assurances can help consolidate your identity as a person committed to his health and wellness, which makes it easy to stick to healthy habits in the long run.


You may have heard the phrase, “what is measured, is managed.” This is especially true in forming habit.

Accounting is a changing games, and self -control can play a decisive role in staying on the right track (3).

By tracking your habits, you can maintain focus, celebrate small winnings, and build momentum towards long -term success.

Thanks to technology, self -monitoring was not easier. For example, such as applications such as MyfitnessPal Wearable devices provide many tools to keep you responsible. However, you can also use a habit tracking notebook or another self -monitoring method that suits you.


In addition to self -control, Obtaining continuous support in your health journey can improve your chances of adhering to health habits ((3).

This support can come from an accredited health trainer, a personal trainer, a registered dietitian, a mental health professional, or even an online community.

Or you can find an accountability partner in a friend or family member sharing similar goals and encouraging you along the way.

How to start building healthy habits

Are you ready to start building the habit? Start with these strategies installed to form the habit by staying on power:

  • Plan for success: Determine clear and specific goals that makes it easier to follow, and start Small starting to keep your motivation.
  • ConsistencyConsistency and frequency are the key to converting procedures into habits. By setting weekly goals, you can create a routine and track your progress in the short term.
  • Customize your habits: Allocating your goals makes them more sustainable and compatible with your lifestyle, which increases the chances of success.
  • Stay responsibleSelf -control is crucial to forming customs because it helps you to track progress and identify patterns.
  • Create remindersIt ensures the creation of the sermon that the habits remain at the forefront of the mind and match your daily routine.
  • Celebrate: Knowing the small victories creates a positive reaction ring that feeds your motives for follow -up.

MyfitnessPal It can help you achieve each of these strategies with the new Weekly habits feature. It gives you nine small goals options, including things such as alcohol reducing, getting more exercise, and eating more vegetables. Weekly habits encourage your check -in every day to record your progress, then push you to celebrate as soon as you reach your goal. It is an easy way to start with small changes that are able to make. You don’t have to be perfect!

Related questions (common questions)

Can I really form a usually in a few days?

It is not likely – most habits take weeks or months to form. However, small fixed procedures can lay the basis.

What is the best way to make a stick usually?

While many factors are involved, consistency and frequency are necessary. Repetition in the same context (environment or position) enhances nervous paths (3).

How do I stay excited when building a new habit?

Start with small, specific, investigative and fun habits that are in line with your biggest goals. Connect these habits with your identity, establish accountability, celebrate the small victory, and seek support from others.

Is it difficult to break the bad habits of building new habits?

Yes, in most cases. Bad habits require that automatic behaviors to stop automatic behaviors, while the formation of those new includes learning and repeated new patterns (6). The habit, which replaces old customs, can be replaced directly with a new one, sometimes it makes both processes easier (7).

The bottom line

It is not related to building switching habits. Everything about small and fixed progress.

Whether exercise, drink more water, or add more fruits to your diet, a new habit takes time and consistency (3).

It may take 60 or several months, but repetition and consistency are the key to success.

Finding joy in this process and celebrating small winnings along the way can make it easy to remain enthusiastic and the right track.

New weekly myfitnessPal habits The feature helps you do this, using the installed habit building techniques to help you stay steadily, track progress, and achieve your goals-one week at one time.

to download MyfitnessPal The application today and start building the habits that last!

Pamphlet How long does it take a new habit to feel natural? First appear on MyfitnessPal Blog.


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