NVIDIA shares are emitting the headlines regularly, but do you know how the company’s name is pronounced? Is Jeff Bezos named “Bee-Zos”, which raises the bees working in hexagonal warehouses, “Bay-Zos” like Baywatch, or “Bezz-OS” like a rhyme in the first part with PEZ Candy? What about Huawei?
Here is a start list that includes dozens of technical terms and how they are pronounced.
IOSThe easiest group, right? It simply says the three characters separately, “Al Ain”, “Oh” and “ESS”. Apple supports this every time people like CEO Tim Cook reference In every Apple event. However, some people are still saying “OH-OHS” or “Eye-SS” as if O and S are not separate clips.
Nafidia: This seems simple but easy to make mistakes. Is it “En-Vi-Dee-R” or “In-VID-Ee-UH?” JenSen Huang calls on his company “In-VIDIA” when he says “God, I love Nafidia!” 15 minutes after this main videoSo we will go with that.
Jeff Bezos: Washington Post This settled in 2013 with a video From the founder of the Amazon himself. It is “bay-zos”. You are alone with “Jeff”.
How to pronounce the name Jeff Bezos? The Amazon founder is rich enough to buy a lot of pronunciation.
Claude: He is Artificial Intelligence Model Cloud pronounced as “Prod” or “Cloud”, as you put the files that you do not see again? The answer is somewhere in the middle, with the CEO of the company, Dario Amani, extends from the vowels CNBC interview To make him look more like “claw”, as in what might have a lucky snapshot in A. Claw machine.
Huawei: The name of the Chinese technology manufacturer “Wah-Way” is usually, but if you really want to make it look like The CEO Ren Chengvvy method says that, You need to throw a little H-Sound on top but keep it into two provinces: “HWAH-WAY”.
SQL: Civil for organized inquiry, synonymous with databases, It should be pronounced like the three letters: “ESS” “Cue” and “ELL”. But many of them insist on referring to it by pronouncing a “sequel”, although there are no 2 in it.
Patro: we I love this addiction card gameBut not everyone who plays it knows that the name comes from the Latin term of the beast. The polygon went further Ask the game developer how to pronounce the address. The spoiler: They did not already know. Latin pronunciation: “Ba-Lah-Trow” is correct.
Sondar Pachai: The CEO of Alphabet name is easy with the help of Anjalee Kemlani from Yahoo Finance. in Tiktok videoAnd it breaks it: “Soan-Dir Pitch-Eye”.
Ubisoft: CEO Yves Gilimot calls the video game “Yoo-Bee-Soft“Loo-Bee-Soft. ”
Random parrot: This term has become More common in terms of his connection with AI. It refers to language models that do not understand the meaning behind the language they use, such as parrot. The first word has the difficult “K” voice, which is clear “StuH-Kass-Tick,” And rhymes with “satirical”.
X æ a-12: The name of the first child of the CEO of Tesla El Musk and Musician Grimes “EX-AAY-TELEVE”, ” According to Musk itself on Joe Rogan Experience And its confirmation by Graims on social media. Grimes and Musk have two other children together, and Musk himself has at least 12 children.
GIF: Well, you got this one, which is an abbreviation to coordinate graphics exchange. the CoordinationSteve Wilhelite said it is “Jeff” Like peanut butterBut people continue to use the G Hard G instead after decades of discussion. We say your own choice of this, everyone will know what it means in the appropriate context.
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