Here are all the most interesting things we have seen in JFK files this week

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By [email protected]

Issuing Trump files promised to files related to Kennedy’s assassination They are here and the experts have time to go to them. The files did not provide us with evidence that anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald killed the president, but they revealed a wealth of unknown information about how the government and spy agencies operate during the Cold War.

Files are a wealth of information about Tradecraft at the CIA, including the disclosure of the so -called “family jewels”. The CIA has made many illegal things and is not supposed to operate inside the United States. A report on these illegal operations was called and how they worked from 1959 to 1973 “family jewels”. We have seen some of them before, some with heavy revision. Thanks to this version of files, we know a lot.

Here are all the most interesting things we have seen this week in JFK files.

Many of the files are just things that have been previously revised. The X @420joke account has kept a run -off list for the files they saw where the updates are removed, which is a Wonderful topic. One of the previously revised files detailed how the CIA tried to train birds on local surveillance operations. “Birds have been trained and tested in the United States to transfer small intelligence collection packages such as sound surveillance devices”, ” The file said.

Stephen Portinoy was found in ABC Audio The Memorandum of the Internal Intelligence Agency From 1966 on spies. “It recommends” a certificate of discrimination “to the CIA official who led the technical department of the espionage.” “The previous publications of the same document included an attractive attractive revision that described how this individual led a team” visualizing and developing “the use of” fluorescent survey “and X -rays, which allowed the CIA” to discover hidden technical listening devices “for the first time.”

Washington Post Run From her favorite detection. In one of the most operations of the CIA, which was found by the Post, the polluted agency has a pollutant 800 bags of crude sugar that is shipped from Cuba to the Soviet Union. Why? To make it the total taste. This was in 1962.

The CIA said: “The pollutants that we used will give sugar a bitter taste that cannot be removed from the illness that you will not remove.” “The pollutants are not in any way to health, they are so strong to the state that they destroy the consumer condition of any food or drink for a long time.” The CIA said that this spoiled sugar will cost the Soviet Union between 350,000 dollars and 400,000 dollars.

The post also detailed the huge amount of personal information uploaded to the non -stored files. With the outbreak of files, many people noticed that the numbers of social security for living persons were inside. According to the position, the total number of social security numbers is more than 400.

The files contained social security numbers, including spies, lawyers, legislators, and former Congress employees. One of the people Doxxed was Christopher Bale, a former army officer and the amount of the amounts of violations that ended up to President Nixon’s list Personal enemies. Bale is alive. “The good Lord, the government does foolish things as usual,” He told the Post newspaper When I called him.

An unknown White House official told the Post that the people who have duced them would receive free credit monitoring.

The most comprehensive and interesting collapse occurs for JFK files in National security archive (NSA), a non -profit institution at George Washington University, which is archives and researching secrets and government documents. The National Security Agency has institutional knowledge and training to work through these documents such as the lack of another organization, and its work on this topic is the best I have seen so far.

Among the new CIA 1961 files Inspector General Report The assassination of the Dominican Republic of Rafael Trugilo. Thanks to these files, we now know the names of the CIA officers who participated in the plot to kill Trujillo.

The National Security Agency also highlighted a document of “family jewelry” that detailed the anti -espionage operations at the CIA Against allies in the capital According to the file, CIA agents stormed the French consulate and stole the documents. He also suggested that former CIA head John Macon has an inappropriate Vatican deal.

The memorandum was written by the agent Walter Elder, and he meant the head of the then CIA. “Finally, this will be reflected in my Western West Protestantist,” Elder said in the memo. “Macon deals with the Vatican, including Pope John XXVIII and Pope Paul VI, and can be raised the eyebrows in some circles.”

Another wonderful comes from a note to JFK on the day of his inauguration. White House assistant, Arthur Shalinger Junior, told his boss about the CIA. According to the assistant“47 percent of political officers serving at the US embassies were CAS”, which means that they were spies. At the Paris Embassy alone, the CIA had 123 spies working as diplomats. “The Central Intelligence Agency today has nearly many people abroad (Ministry of Foreign Affairs – 3900 to 3700.”

There is no doubt that there is more controversy and disclosure with historians and scientists continuing to work through JFK files.

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