Trying to reconcile work, family time, Fitness goalsand Healthy eatingand Self -careSocial occasions can be overwhelming. How is Carmel Rodriguez – Just bring your body Coach, fitness effect, model, businessman, and mother of two children – managed to achieve the ideal balance?
She is no! For this reason: The endless chase with an unrealistic idealism of “ideal balance” only adds unnecessary pressure to your life.
Carmel says that anything that extends at your stress level – including pressure to be perfect – is “not the investment you really want.” Instead, it adopts that it is “unbalanced and completely completely.”
So what does that mean for her? Carmel says: “” “completely incomplete” means that on some days, it will decrease, “Carmel says. “You will get your exercise, you will have dinner on the table, and you will embrace your children a thousand times, the house will be clean, and you will be able to relax for one second.”
“The next day, everything will come out of the window,” she added. “This is something you should be happy with – because it may not be perfect, but this is what life revolves around.”
Below is its advice to find a “completely incomplete” sweet spot.
1. Leave perfection
“I tried to be perfect in all aspects – and I failed every time, because there is nothing like this,” Carmel says.
Its advice: Leave the pressure imposed on it to do it All things. “You want to continue and go, and this is good – you must have this driving,” she says. “But at the same time, you have to understand that we are human and we cannot continue to do so.”
“We are fighters by their nature, but we just need to sit and accept – this pile of laundry does not go anywhere for the next two or two days, and we will take you out tonight,” Carmel adds. “The legendary balance is that sometimes you must abandon the things we think we must stick to very tightly.”
2. Eat your place now
When life is eloquent, it is natural that you want to restore a feeling of calm as quickly as possible – or at least maintain the appearance you deal with everything easily.
“As fathers, we want to look like we are all together when we head out of this door,” Carmel says. But you may feel less tense if you stop trying to fight the feverish pace in your life and simply accept that your current reality is not completely together.
“When I am drowning, everything above me, my tension levels are high, I’m about to panic, and I cannot deal with it – I will sit, breathe, and I will accept my situation,” Carmel says.
“If we find acceptance in it, a lot of weight will be lifted from our shoulders.”
3. Wake up a few minutes ago
If you have a difficulty in placing time for yourself, try setting the alarm a little before.
“The best time management strategy that has proven its usefulness is to wake up early,” says Carmel. “Early get up as possible, and get a little time in the morning for yourself.”
You can use this time to do Breathing exerciseAnnexing home tasks, or Complete the exercise And dust before the rest of the house wakes up. “When this is done, it is over, and the rest of my day can continue,” says Carmel.
4. Look for one minute tasks
It may be difficult to stimulate to treat tasks that take a long time when you know you will not have time to complete it. This means that these tasks continue to accumulate.
So instead of following a comprehensive approach or nothing, Carmel treats her list of tasks one minute at a time-literally. “If you see something around you you can do in less than a minute, do it,” she says.
“Just do it immediately. Take it out of your hair. Even if there is a meter full of dishes and you can do four or five finished, get four or five, and then you can walk away. You have little achievements throughout the day.”
5. Keep active together
There may be days when you can already post 30 minutes to get a full exercise. But you can still get a movement in your day Make your family time active.
When the children of Carmel were younger, she says, you will build obstacle courses in the yard using their games. Or she would have pushed both children in the vehicle, using the hill near her son’s school for the pre -school stage for an additional challenge.
Now that their children have become older and participated in competitive sport, Carmel and her husband have turned practices and games into an active family time.
“My husband and I try to attend every game with children,” she says. Between games, they find ways to train together – such as running football training with their daughter. “My husband was training us, and we will exercise together and participate,” she says.
It is normal to feel that you should be devoted every minute for the time of family bonding. But spending some time in your day to do an exercise or cook a healthy meal that benefits the entire family.
“If I don’t work very well – my interest, I am drowning, I am not satisfied, unhappy, unhappy, angry – my entire family will feel.”
Working with it gives it an opportunity to recharge and Tension. “This is my investment in my family – take care of myself for them,” she says. “Not only that … I draw a picture of my children. They will see that they need to save time for themselves.”
7. Reducing obstacles
“At the level of logistical services, your belongings should be carved,” says Carmel. “You have to eliminate these excuses because you will get a lot of them. Often you are tired, overcome and overcome.”
One of them Favorite breaches: Put exercise and sports shoes next to your bed to make morning training.
“I was taking it, my water bottle, and I will leave the house,” says Carmel. “It will be already planned before I have the opportunity to move to the left or right to do anything else. It was very systematic, because I knew that there are many other things that I could spend.”
8. Look for the big photo motivation
After the birth of her second child, Carmel had a repeated nightmare that her children were in danger and could not save both of them. It inspired her to become strong enough to switch to the status of superheroes if necessary.
Recently, Carmel is excited to stay strong so that she can take care of her mother, who deals with health issues. “These are things I train now – to be very strong so that I do not have any problems that are able to raise, carry and hold if you need it.”
Of course, if you are excited by the desire to change the way you look, this is not a bad thing. “I love to look good in jeans, I love to get weapons and clothes transferred, and I am all for it, trust me,” Carmel says. “On some days, this is my motivation.”
“But if it is the only thing for you, I am guaranteed It will not lastShe adds. So make sure you have More “Why” That can take you through Low motivation days.
“If you have a real intention and a general picture … you will always be there,” she says. “It will make you these moments that you love,” I don’t care about what I look at today – but I am interested in being there for my mother tomorrow. “It will be the real drive.”
9. Mastering the small exercise
If you You just have a few minutes to workCarmel suggests choosing three or four exercises that you already know and love, and put it on repetition until it runs out of time.
“Make them the full body as much as possible, and implement it in a row,” she says. “Regardless of your identity, you will get a great exercise.”
One of her favorite movements: The Mini-Cartwheels in which you will see Just bring your body.
“It is fun, it’s fun, and you are making a difficult movement, but it is implemented as soon as the movements decrease,” she says. “You build the strength of the upper body, you will get it the heart Outside it, and when you start to nail, you look like-which is great. “
10. Follow a totally approach
Excessive training Or obsession with all calories can cause serious stress. So when it comes to helping her children build healthy habits, Carmel takes a more comprehensive approach.
For example, instead of creating strict rules about what or should not eat, focus on construction Mental eating habits.
“We eat a width, we sit, take time to eat, and we do not start,” she says. “We enjoy it, and we have the energy now – with the food we ate – to go and do what we want to do throughout the day.”
11. Cut yourself some stagnation
“The movement’s timeline (at least) three days a week. Carmel says:” It is a task like morning coffee or your juice. “But give it time to make it a pattern of life and routine. Attempting to achieve physical fitness goals overnight, with an attempt to reconcile the dependents and life, will only overwhelm you and cause unnecessary stress – and the failure of implementation. “
“Be committed, but do so with love and intention as an investment in yourself and your family.” “This is the mentality that someone needs to make it stick.”
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