GHOST is now connected to the Substack competitor to Fediiverse

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By [email protected]

Newsletter platform ghostAn open source competitor for Subsack, is Now connected to Fediiverse, Also known as the open social web. Federal applications Play on Activitypub protocolThat resembles applications Mastodonand Pixeland Subjectsand FlipboardAnd others, allow publications published on one of the applications that can be seen and shared by those on other federal platforms.

ghost He said last year It was working to integrate with Activitypub, which would allow its publishers to share their blog posts with the broader open internet.

The company expected mergers last year. However, this week’s ghost Declare The launch of Beta Social Web Beta, which now allows any site that works to subscribe to the new Activitypub.

The Beta feature is still in the field of active development, the company notes its help DocumentsBut it is expected to be charged in a more final condition in the Ghost 6.0 version.

Image credits:ghost

When Ghost Pro users connect their blog or newsletter to Fediverse, others via open social web will be able to follow their account handle. This handle is a mixture of “Index”, which represents the main publication page, followed by the name of the field (

Ghost says users will soon be able to customize the Index part of @INDEX

Users in the unified applications will be able to follow the ghost publishers, as well as interact with them through admiration, reply, or republishing.

To help ghost publishers also participate in Fediverse and build their readers, Ghost also launched a social web reader. Here, users can browse “feeding” for the common short content via Fediiverse, including leaflets such as Mastodon and Threads.

In a separate area called “Innocent Box”, ghost users can keep up with long -shaped content, such as the articles published on GOST or WordPress, the common publication platform that Integrated with Fediiverse in 2023.

“Think about the Incoming Mail screen like your email box.” The clicking of a guaranteed reader view will open, inside the ghost directly, and when you get to the end, you will be able to like, re -publish it or reply. “

By integrating these two extracts into the Ghost supervisor, Ghost will also allow publishers to spread short content directly to Fediverse, which helps them build their reputation and follow the open social web.

The Ghost reader also alerts interactions such as the following, respond, likes, and republishing in the “Pastics” section. In addition, users can customize their profile page to provide a preview of their social web account, their follow -up/followers, and their content, both short and long.

Later, the company hopes to integrate the social web profiles for users with ghost membership, but for the moment, it works independently from each other. Other next features include tools to prevent people and report, mute sound, or add pictures or media to rose notes.

There are some problems of compatibility with the ghost reader as well, the most prominent of which are Meta interconnected indicators. The company says that ghost users can search for user profiles and find interconnected indicators, but there are no reactions because the topics prevent them. (The problem is on the side of the subjects and Ghost indicates that users mention the Instagram head Adam Museri to fix it.)

To experience the Ghost Social Web Beta, supporters can go to the ghost official, then enable the experimental version under the settings and then the laboratories.

Today, Ghost is used by many observations Leaflets Including the Casey Newton platform, 404 Media, David Sirota’s The Lever, Tangle, Jason Calacanis’s Inside, SFIST and others.,675

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