GDC #1reasontobe will celebrate women in a difficult climate

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By [email protected]

Emotional and sometimes controversial #1reasontobe The painting returns to the game developer conference. The session occurs in a climate in the United States, you may not feel welcome this year.

With US President Donald Trump’s attempt to make diversity, fairness and integration (Dei) illegal, this type of committee may coincide with frank hostility in some circles. But women in the committee – which often provides inspiring personal messages about a journey to discover games – progress with the session this year.

The session will be held for an hour at 11 am Pacific time in the 2002 Chamber at the Western Hall of the Moscow Center in San Francisco on Thursday, March 20. Laya B. (Pincer Games CEO and president of the Uruguay Games Association), returns as a supervisor. Bee participated in the committee several times, including online during the epidemic in 2021 and the character last year.

“The #1reasontobe painting is a very personal approach to everyone who participates,” said B.

This famous committee moves forward the legacy of one of the most influential diversity paintings in GDC, which was initially started by Brenda Romero and Wali Alexander, and Rami Ismail continued later.

#1reasontobe displays women from emerging areas all over the world, and participating in frank talks about the development of the game within its unique and unique views. Bee said in an interview with Gamesbeat, due to the visa challenges for people coming to the United States, this year’s committee has three Americans.

Laia Bee in 2024 #1reasontobe Panel.
Laia Bee in 2024 #1reasontobe Panel.

These presentations will not only highlight personal motives, but will also narrate their unique trips in the development of games, and address aspects of society, culture and opportunities within their home countries. This year, six women from all over the world of games were shown. They talked about the reason they were for gaming developers and how it is about.

It included the members of the committee Laya B. (Pincer Games CEO and President of the Uruguay Games Association); Javiera SepulVeda (QA AT Kolibri), Kate Edwards (CEO of Geography and founder of Setjetters), Morgan Baker (access to games in Arts Electronic), Liana Machenzie (owner and designer of Games Valous.

I have always enjoyed this painting about women who are emerging markets telling their stories about their passion for games. This is a rich panel in the history of GDC and diversity movements that helped develop the modern game industry.

In 2013, the #1reasontobe session began by the game developer Brenda Romero, gaming developer and former column writer Lee Alexander To give a vision to work and the aspirations of women in this industry.

Three years later Flameber Ramy Ismail developer He gave her a new development by including geographically diverse people – especially those who have had difficulty reaching GDC or on stage in this event. He gave a sound developer to actress developers an incomplete representation from all over the world, including Lual Malen, a former refugee now working in games.

In 2021, Laya B.Founder Pincer games And the coordinator in Latam games developer federationThe painting was organized in the hope of combining Romero, Alexander and Ismail visions. She focused on women from different parts of the world.

But in 2021 and 2022 GDC decided to cancel the session because the other programming of the call and diversity was fulfilled by the #1reasontobe plate. Ismail said he was angry at the GDC decision to cancel the committee’s financing, which required travel. Interestingly, GDC brought him back in a session organized and managed by Bee. She said the financing was restored to fly.

Ready -made meals

Laia Bee presented seven women from all over the world to #reasontobe.
Laia Bee presented seven women from all over the world to #reasontobe in 2021.

GDC said that #1reasontobe carries the ability to expand the horizons of our industry and the global challenges we face. By providing an insight into the facts and cultures that are often overlooked, the painting sheds light on the traditionally invisible dimensions of game developers. The intended audience for #1reasontobe is a game developer that is hungry for inspiration. It is a symphony of various sounds, especially highlighting women’s experiences across cultures. Last year, the session got an excellent rating of 89 %.

What do you expect this year

Aevee Bee in the #1reasontobe panel.
Aevee Bee in the #1reasontobe panel.

This year, the Laia Bee collected women to address important topics such as access and the same as the deaf developer in the industry. The committee will dive deep into a developed trip in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which follows a profession in video games, as well as immigrant experiences in South America that travels in life away from home and culture. In addition, discussions on female experiences in the development of games will not be completed without treating transit representation and its importance in industry.

For the first time, the painting plays the role of “Al -Arda”. This year, Kate Edwards will participate, No. 1reasontobe, as she brought her experience and industry visions to the committee. This new role aims to connect the committee members to the main numbers in the industry, and provide guidance, support and inspiration.

The group spoke with Brenda Romero, the first committee organizer. Sepulveeda will cover what is like a migrant in Germany as well as the difficult times in Chile, with death threats that the police will not achieve. McKenzi will talk about what is similar to being in an environment of hatred and resistance, and what looks like a passing woman making video games.

Voices that you could not achieve

#1reasontobe 2024 panel.
#1reasontobe 2024 panel.

Bee said that organizing this painting is a tremendous effort that takes months of planning. The collection of women from the actresses is an incomplete representation – who will not usually have the opportunity to attend the GDC – a major challenge.

Bee noticed that Makki is traveling from Saudi Arabia to talk about her experience as a gaming developer, while Sepulveeda is an original Chilean now lives in Germany. The rest of the committee members from the United States represent votes in the access community.

“This is the way I have succeeded because we have invited two others, one of Singapore – Sherry Tah, a disabled journalist – and another participation from Kenya.

“I felt that Kate would be good as a godmother, like an expert from this industry, which would also participate and also support the rest of the committee members.

Every year, developers from remote areas face the visa refusal, which prevents hearing their voices. This ongoing conflict has been addressed by former organizer Rami Ismail, and now bee holds this responsibility, and is tirelessly working to secure funding and help developers in the application process.

That is why it is important for people to learn about this painting, its presence, participation, and support. It continues to be present to enjoy voices outside the current situation in the industry with the opportunity to listen, identify and empower them.

Bee said the committee takes more than a year to assemble. The collection collects funds to help pay costs and GDC also save money. Of course, there is a political administration in the United States indicating that it does not care much about diversity, fairness and inclusion, and does not tolerate the transformed people.

“In video games, we have a lot of topics about the weak, such as trying to rebel against the system.
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