“My family situation is very difficult, your sister. I couldn’t bear the costs of food. Everything here is expensive.” These words were sent to March 15 by Ramez, a 17 -year -old boy who lives in Gaza. “I have nothing to eat tomorrow. I don’t know what to do. Hunger has returned again.”
Three days later, before Suhour, the last meal before the Daily Fast started during the holy month of Ramadan, Israel launched a huge campaign of bombing, killing more than 430 Palestinians, including more than 180 children.
“God alone knows what we are going through,” Ramiz sent me the next day. “We left without taking anything with us, and now we are on the street.
Last year, Ramez had contacted her on Instagram, a platform that has become an artery for countless people in Gaza calling on the world to help. I do not know the Ramez family personally and I have no historical connection to Gaza. However, among the millions of accounts on Instagram, his message found its way to mines.
In the following months, his messages became effective to the daily suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza. The ceasefire provided a temporary rest from the bombing and allowed Ramez to return to his home. Then, on the second day of Ramadan, Israel cut all aid, which led to hunger again. On the eighteenth day of the Holy Month, she renewed her mass slaughter.
While I break my name, here in Berlin, I think about all Palestinian families who have almost nothing on their breakfast tables, who instead of calling for prayer, they hear the Israeli bombing.
This cannot be real life, is it possible? Humans, just a few thousand kilometers away, are literally starving and die under the bombs. Here I am in the heart of the Western world, which declares the values of democracy and freedom, however, contributes directly to the mass killing of the people of Gaza.
The taxes that I pay as a German citizen go directly to a government that fully supports Israel in its war of genocide for the Palestinians. Thinking about it makes me feel terrified.
Hunger and genocide in Gaza
Ramez was writing intermittently. I hesitated to ask him more details, unable to withstand the suffering he and his family face daily.
I know that there are days when only a few falafel balls and some beta bread are eaten.
His dreams are high school ending and accounting. Instead, day after day, he is forced to reach Instagram users, and asks them to donate and share his donation collection link.
His father was injured before the war and now lives in constant pain, and urgently needs to replace the shoulder. Ramez has left the family responsible.
Ramez has two brothers, between the ages of 15 and 14, and three sisters, between the ages of 20, 12 and 8. His father used to work as a water and electric mechanic, while his mother is a housewife.
“The destruction and hunger is still in Gaza,” Ramez published a few weeks after the announcement of the ceasefire. His family’s situation was still existing. While they received some food donations from humanitarian organizations, it was not enough to meet their needs.
They returned to their home in southern Gaza, in an area where the Israeli bombing spoiled both civil infrastructure and buildings.
Ramez had to travel long distances to reach a humanitarian distribution center – the transportation costs were often higher than the value of the aid he received.
Although commercial goods were available on the market, his family could not always bear their costs. They have no source of income, regardless of the accidental donation they will get from strangers on Instagram.
After Israel prevented all aid in Gaza, food prices rose. Humanitarian aid has diminished, and charitable charities and soup kitchens have closed due to deficiency. The Ramez family has not received any assistance for weeks.
I only tell me canned foods and some vegetables on the market. “I can’t make anything. I need about $ 100 a day for food due to high prices.”
On March 15, nearly two weeks after the full siege of Israel in Gaza, UNICEF reported that the rates of malnutrition for children under 2 in northern Gaza increased from 15.6 percent in January to 31 percent at the present time; 23 children died due to malnutrition and dehydration within a few weeks.
The rest of the tape also witnessed a sharp rise, with Catherine Russell, the executive director of UNICEF, noting that “the speed with which this crisis was exposed to malnutrition for children in Gaza.”
During childhood, malnutrition during childhood can have severe consequences, including a higher possibility of developing non -infectious diseases and reducing the functions of the immune system. Moreover, the developmental delay caused by malnutrition can lead to an irreversible deficit in cognitive and motor capabilities, high risk of behavioral challenges, and significantly decreasing educational results.
In other words, Israel’s hunger in Gaza is currently destroying the next generation.
Eggs on war crimes
In November, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Secretary Juff Galet. The two accused – among other crimes – hunger for the intention of civilians in Gaza.
Western countries claiming to support international law have announced that they will violate and host Netanyahu. Among them is Hungary, Italy, Poland and Germany.
“Under my leadership, the Israeli Prime Minister will be able to travel to Germany without any problem. I will find ways to achieve this.”
These statements indicated that the West has no intention to hold Israeli leaders to calculate their crimes. It is not surprising, after facing any consequences for his arrest in the International Criminal Court, Netanyahu decided not only to renew the Aplide hunger and the indiscriminate shelling in Gaza.
After Israel, Israel brought full aid to Gaza, Germany, France and the United Kingdom a joint statement saying, “He stood on the goods and supplies entering Gaza … risk violating international humanitarian law.”
This response, which refuses to call a crime – was completely shameful. On March 17, when British Foreign Secretary David Lami gathered the courage to refer to what is clear – that Israel is already breaking international law by helping it to Gaza – it was reprimanded by his government.
If deliberate hunger and bombing are a civilian population that does not break international law, what is it? Western governments’ attempt to reduce and conceal Israeli crimes before the public is clear evidence of their complicity in these same crimes.
Western governments are obligated under international law to take measures to stop serious violations. They should exercise diplomatic pressure on Israel, impose arms embargo, and restrict trade and cooperation. But they are not.
Instead of noting the complicity of Western governments, their failure to act and stop genocide, the main Western media ignored the Palestinian suffering or worse – the public mislead on this issue. Hunger in Gaza did not lead the headlines after Israel prevented all aid. The horrific massacre did on March 18, but it was accurately filled with Israel’s justification for it.
Western media regularly ignore the genocide of Israeli officials. Recently, on March 19, Israeli Defense Minister Katz addressed the Palestinian people in Gaza, and threatening that they will face “complete destruction and destruction” if they did not expel Hamas and return the Israeli prisoners. This threat of genocide was reported as a “warning” and no reaction from Western Israeli allies, with the exception of a weak condemnation of Lammy.
Watching this offer from empty talk, collusion, betrayal and gas lighting for 17 months is now stressful. It is a devastating narcissistic offer to manipulate and offer the strength designed to wear those of us who resist the normalization of genocide – to break us.
But I reached a point where I refuse to feel impotence and exhaustion anymore in the face of this overwhelming injustice.
Ramadan is a time when the power of faith is supposed to be renewed. It is a time to sacrifice, but also a time of joy, personal growth and personal growth. I will not allow Israel and its allies to sabotage my faith in justice. We have taught people in Gaza how to adhere to faith and stand -up – regardless of reason.
I will continue to adhere to conviction that our voices and actions, regardless of how small they are, can contribute to change. We should not stop increasing awareness and pressure our governments to take action. Our strength lies in standing together and reminding each other of continuing faith, to continue fighting for justice.
The opinions expressed in this article are the author of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the editorial island.
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