Fujifilm’s GFX100rf is a medium compact camera

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By [email protected]

Fujifilm revealed one of the wild cameras that I saw in a moment, medium 102 megapixels GFX100rf Camera Camera. Yes, I have read it correctly-this street camera reserved with a huge sensor and a fixed F4 35 mm (28 mm frame equivalent) can capture 11,648 x 8,736 photos. If this is not sufficient, it contains features that we rarely see on integrated cameras, such as the integrated ND filter and the width ratio is connected to the designated height.

GFX100rf uses the same medium format sensor 102MP CMOS II HS in the GFX100 II Mirror Camera. As Fujifilm Disturbed Last week, it can be considered a high -resolution version of popularity x100 sixth APS-C compressed. Although it is smaller than any other GFX camera, it is heavier than many mirror cameras in the full frame at 1.62 pounds (735 grams). For a distinct feeling, the camera is "It is formed from one block of aluminum, lens loop, faces, lower plate, and other details all dedicated to aluminum accuracy as well," Fujifilm wrote in a press release.

GFX100rf from Fujifilm is a 102 -megapixel compressed camera

Like X100 VI, it is designed as a street camera with shutter speed, exposure to exposure and slot settings are clearly and adjustable. However, GFX100RF has a new disk on the back that allows you to choose from nine cross rates, including 7: 6, 1: 1, 3: 4, 16: 9, 17: 6 and 65:24 "xpan" The nudity screen ratio is found on other GFX models.

It also contains a specific/lever in the front part of the camera to change the focal length from 35 mm to 45 mm, 63 mm and 80 mm (35 mm, 50 mm and 65 mm fully equivalent), with the loss of the opposite decision. When using these situations, new "Ocean show" The function that displays the area outside the image can be determined as a semi -transparent frame.

Fujifilm says that the fixed lens of important importance can suppress the spherical deviation and the field curvature thanks to the formation of 10 elements, eight groups that include two non -full -time lenses. Used recently developed "Nano J." Future coating to suppress internal reflections, even at the edges. Despite the size of the large sensor, it can focus up to 7.9 inches, allowing some high -precision macro possibilities.

GFX100rf from Fujifilm is a 102 -megapixel compressed camera
Fujilfilm X100VI (TOP) and GFX100rf

The shutter itself is a sheet instead of the focal plane to reduce size, and GFX100rf is the first GFX from Fujifilm with the firing ND filter in four. This is a useful feature on a medium -coordination camera for bright light photography, as it allows a slower shutter speed to add the burial of the movement or wider holes to the depth of the shallow field.

GFX100RF has an automatic image adjustment system to GFX100 II including AF and AF Face/Eye AF that can learn topics such as animals, compounds, birds and aircraft. The explosion speeds are 6 tire per second, somewhat decent with a fully accurate mechanical shutter, a little slower than GFX100S II. The electronic camera lens contains 5.76 million points, such as the screen on the X100VI and a rear screen worth 2.1 million points.

GFX100rf from Fujifilm is a 102 -megapixel compressed camera

4K fire can shoot 30 frames per second 4: 2: 2 10 bits (most likely with some Binning), Fujifilm says it will provide up to 13+ stopping from the dynamic range when using the Flog-2 setting. Other features include the SDXC UHS-II, 20 built-in films, SSD, MIC, headphones and Microhdmi connector. One feature is significantly lacking compared to the X100VI is stability in the body.

GFX100rf is probably likely to appeal to the streets and travel, taking into account its capabilities. It is not cheap at $ 4900, but this price is less than its main competitor, $ 6660 Leica Q3With a larger sensor and additional 40 megapixels. It will be available in black or silver when it arrives in late April 2025.

This article was originally appeared on Engadget on https://www.engadget.com/cameras/fujifils-gfx100rf-is-a-102MP- Medium- Format-camera-11004609


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