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Director Sam Raimi and actor Bruce Campbell worked on four film “Evil Dead” TV projects together. You do not need to repeat “The Evil Dead” and “Evil Dead 2: Dawn by Dawn”, as cultures know them well. However, something happened after Raimi and Campbel The “Dark Army” was made in 1992, and the completion of the ashes of ash in this process. This film was distributed by the Universal, which it set for a crossover. Unfortunately, he was not good at the box office, but it became a huge worship. He was very loved by many, as they eventually achieved the same ecclesiastical status as his direct predecessors.
In his autobiography “If the chin can be killed,” Campbell put the difference between “Worship Film” and “Blockbuster”. A Bollabbuster is a million people watching a 10 -time movie, and watching the worship of 10 people watching a film million times. It seems that the prominent nature of worship films was a little frustrated to Campbell, especially after the “dark army” failed to penetrate it. Campbell understood that he was known, but he was always frank about how normal stardom different from the prevailing stardom. He had to ask the fans to stop calling him “ash”.
For years after the “Dark Army”, Campbell will appear in horror agreements and the gatherings of fans of worship, raising questions about “Dead Dead 4.” He was often asked if he would return to play Ash, Campbell began to develop stock answers. (“I am old!”) In the end, he and my honor did The team returns to the TV series “ASH VS. Evil Dead” … in 2015. This series lasted three years, and it appears to be the last word on ash. Are you happy now?
Campbell said since then that he will already play to play ash again, and he included his condition for such an event in an interview with Anomalous. He explained that Sam Raimi will have to return at the head.
Campbell will play to play ash again if Sam Raimi is directing
Campbell’s comments came in the wake of two “evil” films. There was a new edition suitable for the origin of Rayyimi, directed by Fedy Alvarez, which was released in 2013, followed by an independent entry often, “Evil Dead Rise”, in 2023. Regardless of a short veil after “Evil Dead 2013”, Campbell only served as a producer in those films. It was assumed that the “ash versus evil” would be the last time that ash played.
Now, however, Campbell is amazed that if Remy is down, he is long. Remy is the only one who understands how Campbell properly ash as ash. The actor also admitted that another director is likely to make him lose his nerves, while Remy would make him lose his nerves … in a good way. Campbell’s quote directly:
“If Sam says,” I, Sam Raimi, I will direct another. “evil dead’ The film, “Then I, Bruce Campbell, I will think about being in it. I don’t want to be ashes, tends to others. Sam is the most kind director I worked with him at all, and the ashes need a little to shine. And I think Sam is the only way out that I will not have in the face” making “.evil dead’ film! I just say, I called ROB (TAPERT) and SAM, I am not the coward who think I am; I just want the appropriate conditions. “
Then Campbell joined that Remy, who began to perform major film messages in the twenty -first century, is still a good way out, in fact. Since 2000, of course, Raimi called on Marvel Cinematic University “A strange doctor in the multiple universe of madness” Disney Tentpole “Oz the Great and the Strip”, as well as the very successful “Spider-Man” trio of the Tobey Maguire in the role of Peter Parker. Nevertheless, Raimi has become more than production production since he made “ash for evil” and did not show great interest in another “evil” movie. He will tell the time.
Regardless, Campbell does not invite “ash”.
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