Every living notes for a child film, classified

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By [email protected]

During the late first decade of the twentieth and early 2010 century, the series “Kid of Kid Diaries” was explained by the cartoon Jeff Kenny as a force to be calculated. It was said from the intermediate school perspective, Greg Havliand Readers were looking for the entries of Greg Magazine, who documents his adventures with his family, the best friend of Rouley Jefferson, and his eccentric classmates. Greg is the first hero of the novel that is not reliable for young readers (and in some cases, unwanted). Although Kenny does not think Greg is a socialThe character shows a sudden amount of narcissism for the teenager, and he often benefits from his family and friends if he serves his interests in becoming rich and famous – even if his plans usually explode in his face into a comic effect.

Jeff Kenny’s talent for writing and clarifying the experiences of middle schools that can be relied upon, and has been linked to both readers and viewers. With the publication of 19 books and more than 290 million copies sold, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” is the fourth best -selling book series of all times, unloading four live movies, Three animated filmsAnd musical adaptation. (I think Greg Havli went to become rich and famous after all.)

15 years have passed since the first movie “Diaries of” WimPY “. This fact is a realistic reminder of the extent of flying a fast time stupidly these days, especially for those of us who were children who read all books and pick up these films in theaters, like me. These films reflect a graphic era of family -friendly comedy for the large screen (often deported this type to broadcast Days). In their best, these films reflect the charming rituals of Jeff Kenny, thanks to their wonderful molds, while it was a time capsule of what the middle school felt for students who grew up at that time. For example, but not limited to, the humor of the armed student, Cheese Touch, and Fregley.

4. Long distance (2017)

To anyone surprisingly, “The Long Haul” is the last rank in this list. The entry of the fourth live work in the series is an independent supplement and a soft restarting for the original trilogy, with a completely new team that plays Jeff Kinney. Although David Powers returned to the director’s chair for this one after he previously recorded “Rodrik Rules” and “Dog Days”, the film lacks the spark that had the original version, which evokes directly and/or/or made for television to benefit from the success of their original films (Think about all of these terrible “home” followers after the original theatrical films).

Drafting the characters is understandable, given that the series “Diaries of a Baby” is present on a Floating timeline such as “Simpson Family” And “South Park”, and the original youth grew up from their roles. However, a lot that makes the “long -term” like a hazardous hour is because the new team is not convinced in their roles. Jason Duker is taking the position of Greg Hifle, but unfortunately, his performance failed to measure up to Zakari Gordon, and a lot of the selfish protagonist is heated. The entire Hevley family does not have chemistry, as Susan from Tom Evert Scott and Lesia Silverston could not match the chaos of Steve Zan and Rachel Harris. Rodrick from Charlie Wright is the most famous alternative, which lacks the magic of Devon Bostick, which is also imagined as stupid. This group of actors was not assisted through the scenario with which they had to work, which included Heffley’s on an unfamiliar wild trip with almost every cliché you can think of.

Ultimately, whenever I think about “The Long Rail”, the images that cross my minds are the cgi out of Rodrich’s mouth while riding gravity after eating a lot of deep sticks of butter, and HISP Nonsux GAG, which involves a piece of mantolic cheese from the hotel’s position. I left the last picture, I wish I was watching the first superior movie instead.

3. Dogs (2012)

It is strange that the films “WimPy Children” in this arrangement depict the adventures of Greg Hefley’s summer. Fortunately, “Dog Days” is a much more enjoyable movie than “The Long Haul”, which includes some prominent comic points. In particular, Greg’s relationship with his father Frank is explored, calming us with a refreshing performance by Steve Zan. Frank expresses his concerns about Greg’s path, for fear of becoming a passenger like Roderick. With the threat of registration at Spag Union Preparatory School, Greg is pretending to have a job in a local country club to keep Frank away from his back. Unfortunately for Greg, Frank learns the truth in a scene that brilliantly displays the depths of beech as an actor, and is perfectly covered with the father who does not feel crazy, but is disappointed.

However, the final input in the “Wimpy Wimpy Child Diary” is a little short of compared to its predecessors. The film combines the books “The Last Straw” and “Dog Days” to one, which puts Greg and Frank’s relationship as the central conflict, just to be resolved in the third camping sequence that feels hostile to the climate. Also, while summer setting is an interesting change in the scene, the greatest songs of the “Wimpy Child Diaries” often have the academic year as an integral background to inform the narration in more dynamic and fun ways.

Fortunately, you will make you some unforgettable moments in the movie contemplating your summer experiences of teenagers, regardless of how embarrassment. Remember the first time that you went on the most terrifying ride in the park like Greg and Roli on the Canaean? Or worse than all, losing your swimming trunks after jumping from high diving, just to break the swimming near you? Speck. At its best, the “Dog Days” picks up with the joy of those moments with childish joy, even if it does not reach the same consistent comedic highlands as the first two films. (Also, the amazing screaming Robert Cabron, because when Rolley cry, I also do it.)

2. Wimpy Child Diary (2010)

It is recognized that the first “WimPy Child” films are of similar quality, so choosing the best of the two is the issue of throwing coins. Fortunately, you cannot make mistakes in any of the films, given that both of them show more unforgettable moments of original books. In the case of the first movie, all basic and supportive characters are created almost perfect.

Greg Heffley was introduced to the audience as an unusual hero for a children’s film. Many can be attributed to the performance of Zakari Gordon, as it depicts the emerging narcissism with concrete anxiety. The film, which is not afraid of filming Greg in such an amazing light, is his best achievement, giving the young fans a friendly appetizer for the hero’s anti -hero. As convincing is Robert Cabron like Rolli Jefferson, who works as his kindness and his healing jurisdiction as a refreshing contradiction with a problem Greg formed. In one of the most famous scenes of the movie, Rolli left his friendship with Greg, and these actors show admired emotional depth and complicated in response to the chaotic situation.

The first “WIMPY Children” notes are also full of fun supporting characters. Greg category colleagues, including Chloe Grace Moritz in the role of Angie, Lieen Mackeel in the role of Patti, and Karan Berrar in the role of Cirarj, and of course Gresson Russell in the role of Frevle, are all unique and unforgettable. The Greg family was brilliantly filmed, with Rachel Harris and Steve Zan in the role of Greg’s parents working as wonderful comic chips for their children. But who are we joking? The real MVP for the entire actors is Devon Bustic in the role of Rodrik Hevi, who depicts Greg, the older annoying brother with the unlimited charisma. By pouring flawless with a smart text, this film is an adaptation worthy of Jeff Kenny’s novel.

1. Roderick Rules (2011)

Just with hair, “Wimpy: Rodrick Rules” shakes the first movie as the best in the entire series. As we mentioned, Devon Bustic in the role of Roderick Havley is the performance and personality of the penetration, and this film puts it in the foreground and the center alongside Greg. Their fraternal competition provides some of the biggest laughs of the series, and is surprising, the most emotional moments. Although he is this chaos in the first movie, Roderick shows some excitement in directing his brother, even if he encourages him to repeat his most controversial behaviors.

However, although it is entitled “Rodrik Rules”, it can be said that Susan Havley is the same as the importance of Greg’s journey here. Rachel Harris completely picks the embarrassing mother that Greg is depicted in his magazine, and she is a mother who fears what his children may become if they do not learn each other. The most dramatic scene occurs in the movie when Susan is based on her children, with a special focus on Rodrik, who is prevented from performing with his band, Löded Diper, in the talent exhibition, which destroys him. This leads to the climax of Hashan in the exhibition of talent, as Greg is reluctant to work as a Roli assistant in his magic law if Susan Roderick allows the performance after all. Finally, Roderick gets the moment he was waiting for, but he was happy with the happiness that all the severe chants of the audience are to dance his enthusiastic mother on stage.

“Rodrick Rules” is the funniest moments offered by “WIMPY Diary” while also maintaining their basic characters, to Greg still behaves mainly on his own interests above anything else, yet he still displays some personal growth along the way. It also helps in the film that it is not afraid that there will be some amazing moments of his characters, among all the strange Hijinks lovers he expects. Above all, the film is a fun show for Devon Bostick, which will continue to get a wonderful movie with Oscar-winning managers Bong Joon-Ho and Christopher Nolan. Besides, who was thinking Roderick Hevly will appear in a movie like “Obenheimer” one day?

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