Edwards on the demands of “A-SIDE” from Berlanga: Saddam put stars, luring the title, and avoiding beenavidez explanation

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By [email protected]

Stephen Edwards, Calip Planet coach, says he does not believe that a battle between him and Edgar Birlanga will happen. He listened to Berlanga (23-01, 18 KOS) saying: “F *** Caleb Plant”, after winning the knockout in the first round of Jonathan Gonzales-Autiz on March 15, and took it to mean that he is not interested.

The mentality of the first money

Birlanga has already said in an interview that the factory is not the one who wants. He wants Jaimi Mongooya or Jeremal Charlo. He feels that one of these men will hit the golden ticket to get a match with Canelo Alvarez. This is the battle that Berlanga speaks indefinitely. Get “The bag “ Kanilo’s fight last September and wants to help again.

Edgar knows that killers such as Plant, Osleys Iglesias, David Benavidez, Diego Pacheco and Christian Mbilli will be very risky for him to achieve his goal. So, she is 35 -year -old Jeermal Charlo, inactive, 35 years old, and Mongoya twice.

If the boxing has its work together, the fighters like Berlanga will have to run the glove through all the big competitors for a title against Caneo. As we saw with Birlanga, he did not have to do so. In order for Edgar to obtain the “bag”, he only had to overcome these three:

Padraig McCRORY
Jason Kogeli
– Alexis Angelo roaming

Coach Stephen Edwards said. Millcity boxing About Edgar Birlanga did not call Calblal Plan after his victory over Jonathan Gonzalez-Autiz last week. “I didn’t hear him saying,” I want to fight like Blant. ” This is not a means of explanation

Birlanga certainly was not yet manufactured against Gonzalez-Autiz. When he was interviewed, he said repeatedly: “Calip.” When he was asked who wanted to fight, Birlanga said, “Jimmy Mongoya and Jeremal Charlo.” The fans were not listening to him and mistakenly believed that he was suffering from the battle of the plant. The same manufactured biography As it is.

Munguia was identical against Scrubs Crubs Conesht until he got a battle on the payment against Caneo Alvarez last May, which he lost by unilaterally unilateral decision. In his last battle, Mongoya fought an unknown man, Bruno Soras, who had an unbeatable record with no names. Surprisingly, Mongoa came out. This is not because Soras is good. He lost because it was just the noise function since the first day.

A-side demands

“I have seen that Birlanga does not spoil with Eddie Herne because the battle of William Scol

“Calip Planet was a world champion before and had defenses in the title. When you sit and face negotiations, all of these things come as much as it will be the one side A, and who will be on the part of B.

Stephen has made a mistake. Birlanga said the reason that he wanted to fight the IBF Super Champion of the Mediterranean William Scull because he believed it was a certain victory, and he can use the title as a seduction to get a match with a three -in -believable standard. Berlanga made $ 10 million in his Canelo battle last September, and he wants to return a quick match for a similar payment day.

The money he earns against other fighters is much lower. Therefore, if Berlinga won over Scull, Caneo was fighting him again to pick up the fourth belt to get the superior weight heroism at stake due to his battle against Tender Crawford in September. As far as the fans hate boxing in seeing a match match between Canelo and Berlanga, this will continue to happen. This will not happen now, because Berlanga did not get the battle with Scull.

Fear Benfdiz

“Edgar has never fighted Benefidies, and I don’t think the battle will happen at all. I don’t think this will happen now because Benavidez is too much for Berlanga. They could have been fighting, but it (Birlanga) went after Canilo because he is a very big star (allowed to get a big payment day).

“Edgar has one of the best boxers in Keith Honoli. This man knows what he is doing, and he will not allow Edghar to a Benavides, Edgar is a good fighter, but do you see that the battles that Beenavidez excel.

Stephen said: “You can say that he was not sufficiently experienced. Loss in front of Navidies due to brutal beating or a knockout, it will not be good for his brand, especially in a fight that he does not have to take. So, I do not see him fighting him.”

BERLANGA BENAVIDEZ is likely to fight at some point, but only for money, not because he thinks he can win or deserve the battle. If Berlanga moves to 175, he will face the soft opposition that will build its record 23-1 in 168 and search for the big day of payment.

The man can be very predictable with the way his administration matches. He never fights any first -class person before he abandoned Caneo last September, and now that he lost, he has returned to fighting the tomato boxes that built his manufacturer’s record.

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Last update on 03/20/2025


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