Donald Ray Lanz, Jane Kai and Whitton: He was sentenced to him

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By [email protected]

Donald Ray Lantz and Jin Kai and WhitivatA couple from West Virginia was sentenced after being charged with forcing work and trafficking with their adopted children.

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More details about the judgment on Donald Ray Lanz, and Jin Kai Whittevat

according to ConvergenceLantz and Whitefeather were convicted of multiple charges of “child abuse, including forced work, human trafficking, and neglect” on January 29. According to the port, Whitefeather is said to have been sentenced to 215 years in prison. At the same time, according to what Lanz was sentenced to a maximum of 160 years in prison. Moreover, the port adds that both Lantz and Whitefeather have ordered the payment of $ 280,000 as compensation.

According to the outlet, a boycott judge said by Maryclaire Akes told the couple that the court would not show mercy.

“I brought these children to West Virginia, a place that I know in the name of” Paradise almost “, and I put them in hell. This court will now put you in you. May God have mercy on your souls, because this court will not be.

More details about the alleged trafficking of a couple in West Virginia and the mistreatment of their adopted children

like Shade room It was previously reported that Lantz and Whitefeather were parents of five black children. In October 2023, the police discovered two children, closed inside a shed. At that time, children were fourteen and 16 years old. Moreover, the neighbors told the police that the children are “forced to perform agricultural workers and were not allowed inside the residence.”

In the end, the police discovered that the shed had no ongoing water. In addition, for each the peopleChildren were forced to sleep on the ground of the unit. Finally, according to what was reported, the police discovered children with “open sores”, “naked feet”, and unclean manifestations.

After that, a 16 -page indictment was presented against the spouses, for each outlet.

“He claims that human trafficking, human rights violations, and the use of forced work. Human rights violations of the fact that these children were targeted because of their race and used mainly as slaves, which claim the indictment,” Judge Akraz replied in the 2024 hearing.

per ConvergenceChildren have the opportunity to testify and read the victim’s effect data about the couple’s trial.

“I learned to laugh at my brothers, and I told them that they were bad; I kept them – I saw a lot of things that happen. Now, in my new house, I see that everything was not right with Jin and Donald,” said the youngest child to the court.

A woman was sentenced in Florida regarding the death of her husband

like Shade room Previously, Ellen Gilan, a woman in Florida. He was sentenced to the death of her husband with final diseases. Gilan was sentenced to a year and 12 years in prison after she killed her husband in January 2023. At that time, Gilan had entered a position in Adventhealth and committed this act while her husband was patient on the eleventh floor.

After that, it was revealed that Gilan and her husband, Jerry, had planned to kill.

Related to: Update: A woman was sentenced to Florida after she was shot

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