Critical thinking is the cornerstone of effective leadership, problem solving and innovation, but what exactly happens in your mind during the process? On the basic level, critical thinking is the ability to analyze, evaluate information, evaluate it Take logical decisions. It is deliberate and both sustainable, and has benefited from various cognitive processes such as problem solving and decision -making and Reflecting thinkingThe polarity is reversed recklessly or relying on the intestine instinct.
People deal with critical thinking in many different ways based on their personal preferences, goals, or the nature of the problem they are trying to solve. Some right by the productivity expert, such as Nioport The concept of “deep work”Which includes long periods of distraction free thinking. Likewise, Andy Tariba Marble Require your mind to complete 30 -minute blocks of extreme focus on one task. Regardless of your way, the common topic is time. True critical thinking is a continuous and deliberate effort, and you can say that this skill is more vital than ever in our sophisticated world that extends to artificial intelligence quickly.
With almost the spread of artificial intelligence, every layer of work, personal life and education-and its ability to provide immediate reactions through adaptation close to intelligence-people began to excessive. I personally started to rely on it strongly for the tasks of coding, especially those that required hours of deep work that I now get simply “free” from tools such as Claude, GitHub Copilot and Crowdbotics.
This made me think: Does Amnesty International make us “clumsy?” Is our ability to think critically in slipping while we sit and let artificial intelligence do the dirty work for us? There is increasing research and evidence that this cognitive discharge affects critical thinking that requires active cognitive participation to analyze, evaluate information and assess information.
Cognitive discharge is simply the act of using an external power Reducing cognitive pregnancy On your working memory. This can be simple as your head is tilt to see a better image or by using a nerve network of more than 200 billion teachers to create a pipeline. We all do that. He is a human being.
What we lose in seeking to achieve speed and immediate answers
When we look at what artificial intelligence (or it) can do for our brains, it is important to remember that this is not the first time that technology has returned every aspect of human life. In 2011, a group of researchers discussed the impact of Google’s ability to provide Immediate access to information. They found that when people expect the information to remain available continuously (such as we expect with access to the Internet), they would likely remember where it can be found instead of remembering the details of the element.
Like many of you, when you were young, access to information was not immediately. If you want to learn more about something, you will go to the library, escape through the card catalog, determine the location of the section, find the corridor, search for the book, read the content schedule, face to the chapter, then read. If you don’t want to do so, you simply do not know the answer – it is actually a kind of liberation to think now, simply do not know.
Today, the epic tasks required to find the answers have long been afraid. From Google to Chatgpt, we became Cyblegs NaturalTakaful with our computer tools, as it does not matter to know the information more than knowing a place or how to find it.
But with this uninterrupted rest and speed, what is barter?
Is artificial intelligence change mainly?
There may be a sophisticated reaction to see the effect of artificial intelligence on critical thinking as a dangerous warning or a sign that we get to know a lot of our mental burden. But perhaps this is the wrong question. Will the decrease in deep thinking be an unfortunate result, or is the transformation inevitable? Is this necessarily bad? Cognitive pregnancy theory He says no (nest)While others Say yes.
Every major technological leap, from the printing press to the Internet, was accompanied by fear that human thought would be. In fact, this line of thinking can be tracked all the way to Socrates, which has shown anxiety that a Dependence on writing It will weaken human memory and real understanding. In the end, every innovation is interested in the end of new forms of progress.
Let’s anatomy a real example on both sides. In the real world today, artificial intelligence is widely used in data analyzes, where models can analyze huge data collections to determine patterns, forecasting trends and liquidating noise. On one side of the currency, this is great because it separates a lot of cognitive work, allowing humans to see the links and make decisions. Another camp will say that this dependence on artificial intelligence reduces the ability of humans to perform an in -depth independent analysis.
Does Amnesty International make us stupid?
The answer is perhaps, with the firm fate towards yes. Cognitive discharge, although mental resources at first, may eventually reduce our intellectual capabilities. Some scientists warn of developing “cognitive laziness” as people become less inclined to engage in comprehensive analytical thinking. The mandate of memory functions and decisions to artificial intelligence systems will gradually lead to the erosion of our ability to perform these mental tasks independently, and perhaps Parishing cognitive adaptation And flexibility.
The will of our dependence on artificial intelligence to obtain cognitive support Weakening the basic mental collegesIncluding memory, analysis, and problem solving capabilities. This use of sustainable and growing external sources of cognitive functions will lead to atrophy of internal mental processes, which leads to the deterioration of memory function in the long term and comprehensive cognitive luxury. He will tell the time.
But is this bad thing? Artificial intelligence may accelerate “cognitive laziness” according to today’s standards, but this does not mean that we are worse. Not so long ago, the use of a “lazy” calculator was simply being used, but now you carry one with you everywhere you go (your phone). As with new technology, humanity grows and transforms it to achieve the best of it. I think the difference with artificial intelligence is speed That affected us.
The question that you should ask yourself is: Is a decrease in cognitive skills and the price worth paying in exchange for unstable comfort and global progress? Or is it possible that artificial intelligence does not reduce our critical thinking but its development? The ability to take advantage of the ideas created from artificial intelligence, adapt to rapid changes, and the distinctive truth of wrong information will become the new criterion for human thought.
In the end, it is not about whether we lose old forms of thinking where artificial intelligence infiltrates many aspects of life – this is whether we are ready to embrace new things.
The opinions expressed in cutting comments Fortune.com are only the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions and beliefsluck.
Read more:
- The ability of artificial intelligence to write to us – and our inability to resist the “button” –It will raise the crisis of meaning
- Rigid work models You will not survive artificial intelligence. This is what you will
- Amnesty International The industries will reshape By changing not only “how” work, but also “from”
- Amnesty International will take your business. Override it
This story was originally shown on Fortune.com
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