Disney strange (and misleading) of a wheelchair in Ray

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By [email protected]

The 1951 JD Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye” is one of the most widely readable American novels. The 16 -year -old protagonist, Holden Colfield, has become a model for adolescent anxiety, and is constantly expressing his disgust to the world and calls on everyone and everything that objects to “false”. He feels that he can still communicate with some individuals with his age, especially young children, but he grows away from the rest of the world. When asked what he wanted to do in his life, Holden depicted imagination as he stands in a Jodar field located above a cliff. While children play in rye, his job is to arrest them before they fell from the abyss. It is the mask in the rye.

Salinger’s book was widely examined and re -interpreted. He celebrates it to understand anxiety as full of nihilism, sex and jewels. It was also repeatedly controlled, although many American high schools still help them for students. “The mask in the rye” became particularly poor in 1980 when it was found in the pocket of the man who killed John Lennon. (The murderer wrote in the book that he was “his statement”.) A copy of “Ray” was found in the possession of a man who tried to kill Ronald Reagan. Years ago, Salinger withdrew from the audience’s eye, becoming a famous retreat and refused to conduct interviews. These killers only caused withdrawal.

However, “Ray” is still very common, and many film makers wanted to adapt the novel on the big screen in contracts since its release. Salinger is not allowed, regardless of who approached him. The artists between Jerry Lewis to Jack Nicholson expressed their interest in playing Holden Colve, but Salinger still said no. The strangest thing is, Walt Disney once thought about making a “rye” animation … characterized by stereoscopic dogs.

Salinger allowed people to adapt the mask to the rye, but Disney tried

As he mentioned, Salinger did not allow anyone to adapt his works with the film in his life, and all of this was probably because of the amount of “My Foolish Heart” for 1949 “, which is a loose adaptation of his short story” his uncle Wiggly in Connecticut. “The film was filmed when it was released. It was so bad that he had forced Salinger to completely abandon Hollywood. There was no movie “The Catcher in the Rye”.

Salinger once explained why in a message, on the pretext that cinema is a poor way to communicate with internal monologues (something vital for Holden). In the words of the author directly:

(F) or me, the weight of the book in the narrator’s voice, the uncomfortable characteristics of it, and its personal position, which are very distinctive towards its list on its reader, and its side around the rainbow brackets in the pudding in the streets, or its philosophy or the way he looked at the cows, and exchanged it in the first word.

However, all the following cinema characters played the concept of “mask in rye” at one stage or another: Marlon Brando, Elijah Kazan, Billy Wilder, Stephen Spielberg, Harvey Winstein, Leonardo DiCaprio, Toby Maguire, Ralph Bakshi. (If you are Learn anything about the work of Bakshi movingThen you know that he might have been amazingly adapted to Salinger in particular.)

In the end, in 2018, Donate Han “Howard”, “ A documentary film on the author of songs and Disney collaborators for a long time, Howard Ashman. when Collision He met an interview with Han about the film in 2020, discussing some of the stalled Disney projects in which Ashman participated, the most prominent of which is a complement called “Mary Popins returns” (which was written in the eighties). Han also revealed that Ashman was associated with working on a project called “Dufus”, something that the post was not heard of conducting the interview.

When asked about this, Han dropped a bomb: “Dufus” was “the mask in the rye” with German shepherds “, the director explained, laughing as he did. He added,” I do not do it. “

There is no rule that the dog cannot play Holden Colfield

Here is how the story goes:

In 1986, Michael Eisner, who was then the CEO of Disney, wanted to truly transform “the mask in the rye” into a movie, because he was a fan of the original novel of Sling. At the same time, Eisner knew that he would never be able to buy the rights of the film from the famous author. In this way, he felt that he could avoid any copyright issues by simply changing the characters to German shepherds, changing the title, and moving away from Salinger’s Central Serie. only enough. The film concerned was scheduled to be called “Duffus”.

There is little evidence of this project, but it is real. Eisner even asked his friend and studio president Jeffrey Katzenburg to write to Ashman to see if he was interested in cooperating in some intended films, including the Mary Popins supplement mentioned above, “Little Mermaid” (which ended up) And “Dovos”. This message is evidence that the highest muffeky devices in Disney? Han explained the matter during his interview with Collider, explaining:

“I love Michael”, the mask in the rye, “and said:” We must do “the mask in the rye.” We told him the truth, which Salinger will never do the “mask in the rye” for anyone. So it was. “

Of course, the “mask in the rye” will enter the public sphere in 2031, and then someone will take a cinematic racket. However, anyone who read the “Mask in Judar” will be able to tell you to adapt it to a type of film that contradicts the book’s thesis.

Perhaps … they will remain film makers away from respect.

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