Disney+ adds an option to edit the viewing menu.

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By [email protected]

Disney gives Disney subscribers+ The ability to liberate them "Continue" ListsThe feature of the quality of life that was strangely missing from the broadcast service so far.

Keep watching all TV programs, movies and live events that you started watching, and providing your place so that you can capture the place where you stopped. If you retreat and get out of watching things, it is very easy for the menu to get an impractical quickly, so the ability to adjust them is useful.

You can remove something from following the viewing in two different ways: directly from the list itself or the details page in a specific view or movie. If you are on your TV and want to free your list, you are just Shedding light on a movie or display With remote control, Click and keep the remote control device button (On the Apple TV Remote, for example, the middle button) then He chooses "Remove" When the menu slides. From the details page of the show or the movie you want to remove, you only need to highlight and limit "Remove" Icon (it is a minus symbol) to get it out of your list.

The process is similar to the web or in the Disney+ Mobile app. If you are watching Disney+ on your phone, you can only Click on the three points in the corner From a show or movie in continuing viewing then Click Remove. On the web, you only need to hover the mouse on anything in the watch and click on the icon of the movie or screening. The only thing you can remove from watching the viewing is the live events, which will remain until they are officially finished.

Disney says that the ability to continue watching is available today on the web, iOS and Apple TV devices, and will come to other platforms managed by Disney+ in the coming weeks.

This article was originally appeared on Engadget on https://www.engadget.com/nettainment/streaming/disney-adds-Option-to-edit-continue-watching-list-82856588.html?


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