DDG He still keeps the Internet in the episode with updates about it Halo. From the rooms, if you have been exploited, you already know that DDG says it is facing a problem Halley Billy On seeing their son. But now, he claims that things are finally looking.
Related to: Not valid? Haley Billy drops this message after DDG revealed the joint paternity and motherhood drama on Baby Halo
The latest DDG is involved in Halo Baby Halo’s vision
During the flow, he told viewers that viewers knew that he was spending a good day because he managed to talk to Halo. “Today I am fine, I am talking to my son this morning, We are good! ”
In addition, tell his fans to relax on “#freehalo” comments because he is fine. “Can you stop saying free halo? Halo is free, yes, well?!”
DDG talks about Halo’s visit and why will Halle Bailey not take to court
Previously, DDG surprised the fans when he spread his frustration with trying to see his son. He claimed that he withdrew while Halo was sick, but he was finally asked to leave.
“I was told to withdraw to see my son, and I brought out. Imagine someone who sends text messages,“ Hey, my son, come and see him. ”I said that I will not get it out of the bed.
He also broke why he is not planning to go to court with Haley Billy because of the visit, saying he knows that he will not only bother her.
“Then the judge is like,” Oh, we see you a wonderful father **, we never see this with black people. This is rare. Give this n *** in the whole summer, what now? We do not need it when we are like, “well, cool, everything smooth, everything is cold”. This is why I don’t want to go to court. This is what it is, man. ” He added.
Where is Haley in all this?
While DDG continued to vent online about its problems with Halle Bailey, it remained calm – until Wednesday, March 12. “The Little Mermaid” finally broke her silence, as she personally updated the fans x (Previously Twitter) and the name of its clarification, “Because I am happy 🥰😇🎶”
In the photo, Halle Rocks glasses and a headphone pair.
Related to: What a wonder! DDG breaks the silence about the reason for his skipping with Halle Billy about the Halo visit drama (video)
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