Huge retail chains Throughout the country, they enter the end of its sales and sales in business, including Big Lots, Party City, Joann and Macey’s. Party City and Joann customers just have a few days to reach the opponent, while Big Lots and Mace’s Shoppers will remain able to get repair in a few remaining sites.
Big Lots applied to bankruptcy of Chapter 11 in September and the company later announced that all of its remaining stores will be closed. However, in December 2024, a lot of the deal concluded that would provide hundreds of its stores, AXIOS said. The retail seller still keeps a huge sale, offers 50-80 % of the entire store, and his website says, “All stores are closed.”
It is expected that you will take the varied wholesalers, which run Maxway and Rose Discount Stores more than 200 sites, which will work under The name of the large piecesAnd two distribution centers according to Axios.
While the diverse sentences will provide sites, the case of Big Lots is still a question. A press release on the deal notes that “diverse sentence traders may employ large partners in stores and acquired distribution centers, as well as some companies partners needed to support the amazing fingerprint.”

A big store in Los Angeles, California, United States, on Saturday, September 7, 2024. Big Lots Inc. is preparing. (Eric Thuir / Bloomberg via Getti Emponon / Tire)
The winners of the works and works of the losers revealed in 2024
In February 2024, Messi announced The “New Bold Chapter” initiative, which Tony Spring, CEO of the company, called a “strong invitation to work” aimed at updating the iconic stores series. Shortly less than a year later, in January 2025, Messi said that he would close 66 “non -advanced” stores. The company plans to focus on its 350 “Go-Forward” sites.
Spring said in a statement issued in January 2025: “Closing any store is never easy, but as part of the new bold separation strategy, we are closing the non -producing MACY stores to allow us to focus our resources and set the priorities of investments in our stores, as customers already respond positively to providing better products and high service offers,” Spring said in a statement issued in January 2025.
MACY’s started running clearance sales in January for some sites and February for others, according to Axios. The sales that started in January will last for 8-12 weeks, while the sales that started in February were supposed to continue for about six weeks.

The shopkeeper enters a party store in Richmond, California, the United States, on Thursday, December 26, 2024. (David Paul Morris / Bloomberg via Getti Imachurs / Getty Pictures)
Rental contracts for about 700 sites in party city are sold by auction
Party city
Party City announced in December 2024 that it will close all its stores for a year after the first time declared bankruptcy. The parties of the concert party announced his bankruptcy for the first time in January 2023, but he managed to get out of bankruptcy in September 2023. However, I advanced 11 again in December 2024 after 40 years of work.
“It is really important to know that we did everything that is possible so that we can try to avoid this result,” Barry Litoin, CEO of the party company, told employee employees during a call in December. “Unfortunately, it is necessary to start a decline immediately.”
The company said in a press statement, the reason for its decision after “comprehensive efforts” to try to find a way to stay open “in a very difficult environment driven by inflationary pressure on costs and spending on the consumer, among other factors.”

One of the customers, the Joann store at El Cerrito, California, the United States, on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. (David Paul Morris / Bloomberg via Getti Imachurs / Getty Pictures)
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When it entered the last two weeks of selling it, Party City announced that it had reduced prices by up to 80 %, in an attempt to lure customers to buy their stock. However, it does not seem to have a purchase option on its website.
Joann, a major craftsmanship chain for handicrafts, announced in February 2025 that 800 stores will close, leaving the 19,000 employees of the company without jobs, according to Axios.
“Since it became a private company in April, the Board of Directors and the management team have continued to implement in the upper and lower initiatives to manage costs and the value of leadership,” Michael Burndrgast, the temporary CEO, said in a press statement.
The craft retail chain was established in 1943 and began as a single interface in Cleveland, Ohio. Joan advanced in 1969 and by 1998 it was the largest retail store in the United States, Axios said.
As of now, Joan offers up to 50 % of its stock and it seems that it sells online items.
Coresight Research, a retail and technology -based research and advisory company, predicts that up to 15,000 stores can be closed in the United States this year, more than twice of 7,325 American stores closed in 2024, according to a press statement published by Business Wire.
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